This week's recommendation by Jessi of The Art Writer Both she and I have these images either way.

in blurt-188888 •  last month 


This week's recommendation by Jessi of The Art Writer Both she and I have these images either way. Click on them to expand. I enjoyed writing this story, giving me the opportunity to explore and experiment with Scottish traditions. I also tried not to mention names. It is a very interesting story. “How can I know who my true love will be? » asked the boy. He sat on the cliffs, the wind playing with his wiry, salty hair. His father sat next to him, letting the sea spray hit his tanned skin. "You'll know it when you see it, my son. But you don't have to be too interested. » "Isn't that against true love? » asked the confused boy. His father laughed.


“You will understand in time, my son. Man, we've had enough air today. He went into the water. The boy followed him. My mother said that my father came from the seaTall, brown with bright blue eyes. I can see the bright smile and crooked nose. I was fifteen years old when he told me about their meeting.


My mother lived near the ocean all her life. The waves were as familiar as dry land. It goes down on the sand under the stars and spent several hours reading in the mountains. His mother dife at age 17 and my mother. She had always been a wild girl, uncontrollable like the sea, but now her situation was changed by the storm. My grandfather was appalled by his actions and was forbidden to go down to the sea. She must stay at home and learn how to be a woman, settle and marry well.


His mother's heart aches for his ocean, longing to be washed by the waves and kissed by the sun. Instead, she was forced to sit upright, wear clothes, use table patterns, and learn how to use a needle and thread. His only comfort is the piano where he can sit, play and watch the ocean. He played for hours, letting the sound float through the air and water. He learned to behave and behave well, and his father allowed him to walk by the sea again. He walked for hours on the beach, sand between his toes. One day, he saw a gum flower behind his door. He put them on his piano.


One day, in the middle of summer, he was walking along a cliff, book in hand, when he saw a young man standing on the edge of a rock, watching the waves. He was wearing nothing but his pants and a leather hat. He turned when he heard it approaching, dove into the water and left. It wasn't the last time she saw him.


She saw him again, saving a bird stuck in the sand.
My mother said, "Hi there. He turned and ran away. "Good Morning."
"I've seen you on the cliff before."
He nodded.
"Why did you run?" asked the mother. "You surprised me." He said slowly.
"Me? I will never hurt anyone. ""


My mom is wandering, his words were stolen. He said: “I am ashamed of you. "Before you go, what's your name?" He refused. He didn't answer and dove into the water.
She returned home, and the man liked her. He entered through the door, his father called him. "My dear," he said as he entered his office. “You have been given a lot of patience over the past year. I let you do it, as long as you behave. I agree with your marriage proposal.


Mother sank into the chair.
"He's a rich country gentleman.
“I haven't seen him yet, father. How do I know if I love him?
“What does love have to do with it? You must learn to love it.
My mother ran out of the room and towards the cliffs. She stood at the edge and cried into the sea
"I hope you're not crying because of me." Said a voice. Mother turned around, it was the young man.


I'm afraid I won't like it.
"Are you looking for true love?" he asked. My mother thought for a moment and said, "I think so." But it must be a little rare.
The grandfather started looking for his mother on the beach, calling her name. The young man left her and his mother returned to her father's house.
The man she was going to marry was much older than her and a very fat man. He hated the sea and promised to let him go away from that horrible place. He had nothing to do but sit back and let the preparations for his wedding begin.
On the day of the wedding, he walked down the aisle. Her future husband turned to look at her, a smirk on his face.


Not Marks going for water. He went into the waves to see how it was. He went up to her and let her shave her head. A wave crashed over him and the young man replaced the seal. He wore a leather jacket. “I offer you what I must give. I saw you loving the sea. She took the skin and they left grandfather’s house and moved to another shore where they could love the ocean and each other in peace.


Mother says father came from the sea. And when he died, the woman brought him back to all the seas. I sit down to write this on a stone, my father's skin on my shoulder. I will love the sea.Here are my prompts for Jess! You can click them to make them bigger. Pictures are on Pinterest, I do not own them in any way.

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