two types of crops together

in blurt-188398 •  2 months ago 


Assalamalaikum friends, how are you, I hope you are doing well by the grace of Allah. I am also very happy with your prayers. Today I came to you again with a new crop of farmers. You see two crops grown together and growing together. The first crop is called mushuri and mustard growing together. It seems like this mushri is once in a year so it is beneficial for you masori and sarisa. We eat masri dal and dal and we use mustard oil because mustard oil is very expensive so it is better for farmers to sell it.



You can also see that among all these there is Saag which we know as Boytur Saag. Farmers earn a lot of money by selling it. And mushroom greens can also be eaten. So it can be cultivated as day food. All the best friends


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