Blurt Space? Can We Know More About This Community?

in blurt-188398 •  7 months ago 

Hello Viewers!

Y'all know me and my reactions towards productive communities and growth system and on one of my post my friend left a comment and that comment featured BLURT SPACE community so I will like to know about this community and how they operate.

My work on the blurt space is simple, do research and talk about people and brand and also how we can promote blurt to moon to 1$ per token which we are actively working on.

First when I had about the blurt space I was thinking it's more like a podcast space where people will come to talk about the blurt ecosystem like I do on twitter but I think it's just like everyother community.

Can we try to create a function for the blurt space community and create it's tag alongside a curation team for it to help the functionality of the community and also have a team to also promote blurt under the Blurt space community.

Like not only sharing on X xpace but also engaging and retweeting already made posts.

If by any chance you want me to be part of the team or anything am available for it.

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To me It looks like Blurt Space Community was created by 2-3 people from Bangladesh who are very motivated to see grow. They are buying up a lot of Blurt and Powering up everything so that they can support the bloggers in their Community. In my opinion this is the best way to make Blurt Grow. I try to support the bloggers in the Blurt Space Community with my upvotes.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

That's actually a good thing, I believe if we have people like them around us to diligently carry out the blurt promotion and support task out it will go a very long way

Yeah. Blurt Space is doing everything right. They are buying tons of Blurt, Powering up , helping people get set up, teaching them how to be good bloggers, and encouraging them with upvotes. This is the way it should be done.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

We as contributors along with our admin have a big goal. We want to eliminate unemployment in our society. Apart from that, we want to take the backward communities. In view of this, we want every member of the community to give a certain portion of our profits to the underprivileged. That's why I hope we get many big investors like you. Hope to join us soon.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

We have created this community with several objectives.

  1. The main objective of our community is to eliminate unemployment. That is, those who are unemployed so far will be connected to this platform so that they can eliminate their unemployment problem.
  2. We will create new bloggers.
  3. I will create new investors.
  4. In future we will create charity account from where we can help the underprivileged people.
  5. We are trying to bring this platform to people.
  6. All in all if we succeed in all our objectives then the price of this coin will increase slowly.

All in all if you help us well then we can work for the betterment of this platform and betterment of people.

We have created this community with some very good intentions as our founder has already tried to convey to you. We hope you'll join us and make our community a better place to live.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

We intend to make this community the number one community on this platform with all honorable efforts.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

The reasons for creating this community are:-

  1. Blogging without spending too much time online. Where she can share her passions, including her creativity. This will increase his knowledge.

  2. Eliminate unemployment in the current situation. The reason for this is currently blogging along with studying. Because a student cannot do any hard work besides studying. But to increase their creativity, besides blogging, they have a financial system.

  3. So that students can easily continue their own expenses while studying at home. This is also our main goal.Besides, I am a student myself. From that point of view this blogging platform came to my mind.

Finally, I would like to say that in the future, no student should be deprived of education for money. For that we have chosen this blogging platform.

@henryglowz First of all, thank you very much for writing posts in our community. Before we started working on this platform, we took several initiatives together. I am going to present all those initiatives to you.

1/ Our main purpose of creating this community is to remove unemployment from our society.

2/ Bringing drug-free children from our society back to work online

3/ We will invest in this platform to make the community stronger.

4/ In the future we will create a donationbox account on behalf of our community

5/Donbox account will help the underprivileged people.

6/ We will try to promote this platform among people.

7/ All our community representatives aim to take this platform to greater heights

8/ We have great ideas for the future of this platform.

9/ We have to do X promotion to get this platform to people.

Finally, I want to say that if you stay with our community, we hope we can give something better to this platform. Each of us will try our best to take this platform to greater heights.