#BlurtEngagement, POSH, Airdrop DIG Vol 2

in blurt-187636 •  last year  (edited)

#BlurtEngagement, POSH, Airdrop DIG

Before I start today's topic, I want to thank all the content creators who have taken a minute or more of their time, to grant me a positive rating especially to leave a comment or an idea to boost the idea of #BlurtEngagement.

Since computer science exists, many of the engineers, developers even today content creators, take a space of their time to make POSH (a test to share what they do or to publicize something); it is not surprising that images are published, the Url of publications and messages that everything has worked well are shared, for this case the reward is to prove that they are right in other cases economic incentives, also get recognition. In sister networks and other multiple social networks the concept of POSH was meshed together with the process or idea of driving Engagement in other social networks, in order to attract new users, encourage a more robust economy and even add social gestures as an everyday thing for content creators.

Since a week ago I have been opening the debate about how to enhance internal and external Engagement, some content creators have given their impressions and I have to mention that at first I thought I had wasted my time. It is not easy to promote an idea when there is no massive feedback from the users that make life here, so I will try to explain a little of everything that has come up in the comments section. I ask you to please finish reading the post and above all comment on it, it may be a bit long.

Some considerations

  • Posh Token: someone suggested the idea of implementing the creation of a token for this project or idea, however, this implies two things one to create it in Hive Engine, two to possess sufficient funds to drive this initiative. Which may lead me to invest all the funds from my token, if not get them from life 1.0, or a good samaritan comes along. What I don't like about this is having to use Hive Engine apart from the funds of course. I remember @rycharde implemented BYT and invested time, effort and money. Maybe he can give us some general idea about it

  • Another idea could be to get it from DAO proposals, however, I believe that as of today the proposals are not being funded and need to be approved by the community at large. Requires massive adoption by the community.

  • DIG Airdrop Token: as you well know I am part of other platforms as a token or validator, recently the reactivation of the Dig blockchain was announced, and it is estimated that the Dig blockchain will go live in a month or two. Which is why I thought that there are new users who did not receive the Airdrop made some time ago. Based on this idea I can assume the following scenarios.

Consign a mini Airdrop to content creators who share their publications on x/twitter in the Posh Token style, the difference in this case is that the tokens would be linked to a Blokchain and we do not require more than the Keplr wallet, the beneficiaries can change their token once the chain is active and get additional rewards.

  1. The funds or tokens are available, so this idea can go live today, the test mode in order to see if there is public acceptance.

  2. For the moment there is nothing automated, I am a believer that manual content curation always has an advantage, additional for the moment should be few users.

Some tests

During the week I have been taking into consideration the users that have commented and shared in social networks their publications. Being able to have a summary like this.

NameToken Dig

Previous publications





Te invito a votar por @freakeao como Witness

#BlurtEngagement, POSH, Airdrop DIG

Antes de comenzar el tema de hoy, quiero agradecer a todos los creadores de contenido que se han tomado un minuto o más de su tiempo, para otorgarme una valoración positiva sobre todo para dejar un comentario o una idea para potenciar la idea del #BlurtEngagement

Desde que la informática existe, muchos de los ingenieros, desarrolladores incluso hoy en día los creadores de contenido, se toman un espacio de su tiempo para hacer POSH (una prueba para compartir lo que hacen o dar a conocer algo); no es de extrañar que se publiquen imágenes, se compartan los Url de publicaciones y mensajes de que todo ha funcionado bien, para este caso la recompensa es poder demostrar que están en lo correcto en otros casos incentivos económicos, también obtener reconocimiento. En las cadenas hermanas y otras múltiples redes sociales el concepto de POSH fue engranado conjuntamente al proceso o idea de impulsar el Engagement en otras redes sociales, con el fin de atraer nuevos usuarios, fomentar una economía mas robusta e incluso agregar gestos sociales como algo cotidiano de los creadores de contenido.

Desde hace una semana he estado abriendo el debate acerca de cómo potenciar el Engagement interno y externo, algunos creadores de contenido han dado sus impresiones y he de mencionar que al principio pensé que había perdido mi tiempo. No es fácil potenciar una idea, cuando no existe una retroalimentación masiva de los usuarios que hacen vida acá, así que intentare explicar un poco todo lo que ha surgido en la sección de comentarios. Pido por favor termines de leer la publicación y sobre todo comentes al respecto, puede que sea un poco larga.

Algunas consideraciones

  • Posh Token: alguien sugirió la idea de implementar la creación de un token para este proyecto o idea, sin embargo, esto implica dos cosas uno crearlo en Hive Engine, dos poseer los fondos suficientes como para impulsar esta iniciativa. Lo cual puede llevarme a invertir todos los fondos de mi testigo, sino obtenerlos de la vida 1.0, o que aparezaca un buen samaritano. Lo que no me gusta de esto es tener que usar Hive Engine aparte de los fondos por supuesto. Recuerdo que @rycharde implementó BYT e invirtió tiempo, esfuerzo y dinero. Quizás pueda darnos alguna idea general al respecto

  • Otra idea pudiera ser obtenerlo de las propuestas DAO, sin embargo, creo que al día de hoy las propuestas no están siendo financiadas y deben ser aprobadas por la comunidad en general. Requiere una adopcion masiva por parte de la comunidad.

  • DIG Airdrop Token: como bien saben formo parte de otras plataformas como testigo o validador, recientemente se anunció la reactivación de la cadena de bloques Dig, y se estima que la misma entre en funcionamiento en uno o dos meses. Por lo cual pensé que existen nuevos usuarios que no recibieron el Airdrop realizado hace algún tiempo. Partiendo de esta idea puedo asumir los siguientes escenarios

  1. Consignar un mini Airdrop a los creadores de contenido que compartan sus publicaciones en x/twitter al estilo Posh Token, la diferencia en este caso es que los tokens estarían ligados a una Blokchain y no requerimos más que la wallet Keplr, los beneficiarios pueden cambiar su token una vez este activa la cadena y obtener recompensas adicionales.

  2. Los fondos o token estan disponibles, asi que esta idea puede entrar en funcionamiento hoy mismo, el modo de prueba con el fin de saber si existe aceptacion por parte del publico

  3. Por el momento no existe nada automatizado, soy fiel creyente que la curación de contenido manual siempre tiene ventaja, adicional por el momento deberían ser pocos usuarios.

Algunas pruebas

Durante la semana he estado tomando en consideración los usuarios que han comentado y compartido en redes sociales sus publicaciones. Pudiendo tener un resumen como este.

NameToken Dig

Publicaciones previas





Fuera de contexto / Out of context

Pitbull - Watagatapitusberry ft. Sensato, Black Point, Lil Jon , es lo que suena mientras redacto esta publicación. Por norma general elijo primero la canción que usare mientras redacto. De esta forma puedo conectarme con mi yo interior y así poder drenar todos esos pensamientos que me atormentan.

Pitbull - Watagatapitusberry ft. Sensato, Black Point, Lil Jon , is what is playing as I write this post. As a general rule I choose first the song I will use while writing. This way I can connect with my inner self so I can drain all those thoughts that torment me.

Te invito a votar por @freakeao como Witness

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  ·  last year  ·  

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

The easiest way is to upvote these proof of posting …. #POP 🍿 …. in the comments…

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

  ·  last year  ·  

Proof of Broadcast : POB

Proof of Distribution : POD

I am part of other platforms as a token or validator, recently the reactivation of the Dig blockchain was announced, and it is estimated that the Dig blockchain will go live in a month or two

cut that crap off (dead blockchain tokens lol)
so-called foundation has a lots of BLURT tokens and these token should be used to reward any users activities

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Anything that can serve to incentivize something in this blockchain is wrong?

The foundation can incentivize in any way it wants if it wants to. They are its funds. Just as you can incentivize them as I have noticed you do by voting. This publication does not come from them or from you.

If these are random ideas and I look for some solution, and in the end it provides my possible funds how can it affect you?

I have mentioned that there is a reactivation of the chain announced publicly in the cosmos ecosystem. If you consider it dead it has not yet been announced, all blokcchain projects even like this one can work or not. i have made it clear in all the posts i have made.


  ·  last year  ·  

Aren't you supposedly the biggest investor in blockchain...aren't you supposed to have a super developer and have bought votes from witnesses?

why don't you do something to change the current situation of the blockchain, are you there to make it emerge or to keep it undeveloped as you have it so far.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

How about upvoting comments when people post their Twitter link to their Twitter post in comments ?

#pop #blurt 🍿


Proof of Posting #pop #blurt

  ·  last year  ·  

Shared on X.com … maybe we should come up with another term other than POSH.

Maybe PING …. Since DIG is on PING-Pub

Proof in eNGagement



  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you so much, for the reward. I am not expecting this. Anyways, just shared this post to twitter and facebook.


  ·  last year  ·  

Awesome. I think it’s a great idea. I converted a lot of my DIG to Cosmos (Atom) and earn an additional 21% APY on Keplr. I’d be very happy to promote Blurt everywhere to earn more DIG tokens. You get my Vote.

  ·  last year  ·  

Proof of DIG . … POD

Can you Dig it ? I can Dig it !


  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you very much for your initiative for this platform.

Unfortunately I forgot where to keep my Keplr wallet key. 🥲

  ·  last year  ·  


Hi @freakeao, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.

You can support us by voting for our witness, our decentralized funding proposal, or through delegation. You're also welcome to join our Discord server 👉 https://discord.beblurt.com

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Curated by @ultravioletmg