in blurt-1845409 •  3 days ago 


Growing up as a teenager there were times when I constantly compare myself to others wondering why I didn't fit in why I don't have the same path or success like those around me I actually felt lost in the noise of too many expectations not just from the world but from within myself I wanted to be more do more and you know somehow be like someone else who seemed to have it all figured out I just wanted to belong

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But then one day I stumbled upon this song LIKE YOU by TATIANA MANAOIS I pressed play not actually expecting much just another song to fill the silence but as the lyrics started to unfold mennnn something inside of me shifted it was as if the song was speaking directly to me in a way that no other person could it felt as if Tatiana was singing directly to my heart telling me it was very okay to be me to walk my own path and stop comparing my journey to other to just be unique
The words weren't just a lyrics they were message message to my old self a gentle reminder that I am worth as I am


And that line in the song that says
Baby you're strong
You're wise
You're wise beyond the thousands reason why
And you can't be perfect baby
Course nobody is perfect darling
But no no there's nobody in the world like YOU
This lines hit me like a wave for so long I have been chasing something that wasn't mine to chase I had been caught in a cycle of self doubt trying to fit into molds that were never meant for me but this song showed me the beauty in embracing my own individuality

It wasn't about being perfect or measuring up to the standards others set it was about being true to who I really am and owing my story with pride this song became my everyday motivation and as the song played I realized that I had been holding myself back you know by trying to be someone I wasn't but then I felt the spark to embrace my uniqueness my weakness my strength and all the things that makes me different LIKE YOU reminds me that my worth is not defined by comparison but by how authentic I show up to my world I don't need to be like anyone else I just need to be like me

Ever since then I started walking a different path the path where I'm no longer worried about fitting in or measuring up I learnt to listen to my own heart trust my own instincts and honor my own journey the self doubt that once controlled me began to fade now replaced by a newfound confidence and self love
The song became my anthem everytime I listen to it I'm reminded that I don't need to chase someone else's dream I only need to follow my own without no apologies the song gave me the courage to step into the person I was always meant to be


Today I can stand proud in who I am unapologetically embracing my flaws my strength and everything in between and every time I feel that doubt creeping in I remember the power of those words I'm Strong I'm Wise I Can't Be Perfect Because No Body Is Perfect But I Love Me Just The Way I Am

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