I started working online again after a month.

in blurt-1787181 •  2 days ago 
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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We are busy with different things at different times, when we are busy with something, we cannot do anything else even if we want, so we are forced to come and do one thing, and we have to stop all other things, when we are busy with something, we can start working again, but in the middle of the busy time, we often forget about other things.

I have been working online for a long time, sometimes I have to stop my online work for various needs, sometimes I have to stop my online work for a short time, sometimes I have to stop it for a few days, but this time I have closed my online work for a month due to my special needs, I am starting a new one from today.

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Among the various needs in this month, one of the needs was the main purpose of my life, as a Muslim, my dream was to travel to Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, this month my dream has come true, I was in Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia for 15 days of this month, I spent this time as the best time of my life.

Basically, because of the trip to Saudi Arabia, I had stopped all my online work, I wanted to start online work after returning from Saudi Arabia, but for various reasons it did not happen, especially because I was forced to stop all my online work due to illness, I could not start it, from today I am starting online work again.

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I hope I can share some beautiful posts with all of you, I will definitely try to share my Saudi Arabia travel stories with you, of course I will try to strengthen my position online more beautifully and with more hard work than before, I hope you all will be by my side as before.

After stopping a work, when you restart it again, sometimes you lose interest, but if we want to do that work with interest and we have love for that work, then even after starting that work in a new way, we don't feel any resentment, I will try to work on it with love for someone online.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.


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