First Step in This Year's Goal Achievement

in blurt-1787181 •  last month 

I did set a goal of powering up to 50,000 BLURT for this year. This was actually last year's goal but I fell far short of reaching it. I started the year with a little over 36,000 staked BLURT and today I reached 37,000. This is worrying because at this rate I will again miss the 50,000 goal, and I really want to be an ORCA. This is what I have:


It is actually a small amount, by now I should be well above 100,000 staked BLURT but I have just not put in enough effort. Seems like I expect my account to magically grow. And right now with how things are in the crypto World I just can't seem to get the motivation I need to move ahead.

I mean things are changing so rapidly all over the World that I am not even sure if it is worth it to own crypto. You know a big war could start all of a sudden and all we have worked for so long could just go up in smoke. I know one has to be positive, but these thoughts still occur to me and it just kills my inspiration.

Man we have even had earthquakes off of the shore of Honduras with a lot of after shocks, luckily it seems I am practically immune to feeling them, because I have not felt a single one. And then I just saw we will probably have a very active hurricane season and it seems the NOAA will not have enough funds to keep their website up to date, so I won't even know what might hit us. Well what is, is, so I will just have to see how things go.

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