I have not written anything in quite a few days, except for an occasional ACTIFIT report, even with this I am only posting two or three a week. I just haven't been up to it. I really do have personal problems and on top of that this world is in an uproar, so I am not that motivated to write.
In any case, the crypto market is in such a bad shape that not even President Trump backing a few coins was able to get the market back on its feet. For a while it seemed it would rebound but it was just a mirage. I guess people at this moment in time are just to wary to be putting their money in anything.
In times lie this it seems people go back to what all their ancestor did, bet on gold. So they buy gold and the price of the precious metal just keeps rising. You know, I am 63 years old and I have never owned anything made of gold, not a single thing. I believe the moment I do own some gold my good fortune will just take off.
On the other hand, I have owned silver in the form of silver coins, but I guess silver holds no magic as I have had to sell off all of the coins I had, well maybe not all I think I still have a few from Latin America, but these are small coins, not much silver in them.
But frankly, the crypto market at this moment sucks, I did not expect such a quick or large correction. Anyone who bought recently and sold because of fear must have lost a good amount of money. And I can understand it, I mean one always expects a rebound and BTC reaching new heights, but suppose it doesn't? So many people just aren't willing to take that risk.
At this point I am not even remotely aware of what will happen, will crypto implode or come out stronger after these dark days? Only time can tell, but I certainly hope my earlier gut feeling that BTC would reach at least $150,000.00 this year becomes a reality. BUt for the moment I certainly not throwing any money at it.