A word came to my mind that can often be heard in various professional and creative circles and this word... Zeal.
Yes, a simple word for a self-respecting person who does something and wants it to turn out well.
But this word is very contradictory if you look at it from the position of the final result.
This word is liked by those who look at someone critically and it may not be liked by those whose work is being evaluated.
Someone diligently crochets complex patterns from threads and his work costs mere pennies and someone diligently draws a black square and it will cost millions.
Teachers expect diligent work from their students, but not all teachers diligently teach their subject.
Diligence does not have a nominal value in its essence; everyone decides for himself what diligence is according to his technical and mental abilities.
I was maximally diligent in order to show in the illustration the minimum of diligence if it can be compared with insufficient brightness of the font and difficult perception of objects in photographs.
In this perspective one can appreciate the efforts of winter which could not hide all autumn traces under a blanket of snow.
Winter should work on its skills and work more carefully on toning colored objects this is its failure.
Personally I like to see reality in small failures, so life becomes much brighter, no matter how hard you try, it will be so.
Zoom in on a photo for a closer view.