Continuing the topic related to breeding and raising fish in any body of water, be it an aquarium, a hole dug in the garden filled with water, a pond with koi carp, or a rented lake, it is worth talking about very similar, but sometimes very different concepts, such as a fisherman and a fish farmer.
Just as fishermen are different, so are fish farmers, sometimes they are combined together as perpendicular lines, intersecting at one point, and sometimes these are lines running parallel to paths, whose interests do not converge.
For example, fishermen can be divided into such categories as fishermen who catch fish in the amount they need and no more, those who catch fish for sale, but observe the rules of decency and poachers who see nothing but hard cash in front of them.
You know, there are fishermen who catch fish and release them, they are proud of it, but my personal opinion on this matter will not please those who welcome it, it looks like sadism, mockery of fish, would you like it if someone pierced your lip with a sharp hook every morning?
As a rule, an injured fish experiences stress, and stress splashes out a bunch of diseases and this fish can not only die itself later, but also infect many other fish ... have you ever had to treat fish in an aquarium for ichthyophthirius, nicknamed semolina? Sometimes, it is very difficult.
A true fisherman is a dreamer, he dreams of catching a big fish, such that his family is well-fed and this, as it seems to me, is a pure and correct goal of fishing.
Fishermen who are called poachers, as they say, have nothing sacred in their intentions, they are consumers to the core, who are ready to walk over heads, but some fish farmers are not much different from them, although these people present themselves as those who care about the well-being of fish in the water.
As a rule, or often, a fish farmer becomes a person who used to love fishing, but when he has enough fish, he can lose his love for fishing with a rod.
I have heard from villagers more than once that a person who rented a lake and raised fish there, when it came to catching it, simply destroyed the dam and drained all the water from the lake, which flooded people's gardens in the floodplain of the source of the lake.
You know, this is an example of the fact that many people are not ready to take fish farming seriously, and it begins with the organization of a hydraulic structure called a lake.
You know, this is an example of the fact that many people are not ready to take fish farming seriously, and it begins with the organization of a hydraulic structure called a lake.
Those who do not understand the essence of this see it as a pit filled with water into which there is no need to pour funds, but even in aquariums, in well-designed aquariums there are devices for flow, or regulation of the level and renewal of water, which is very important for the happy life of fish and the further exploitation of the reservoir, such a device, called by us "monk" you see in the photograph.
Such a device deprives some profit at the initial stage of development of the fish industry, but this is what helps to look human in the future.
As a joke, comparing a fisherman and a fish farmer, you can say that they are both waterfowl lol, but one can be a duck, and the other, a water chicken, which also swims, but is not a duck.
What always unites a fisherman and a fish farmer is that they both dream of never meeting a fish inspection on the shore of the lake lol.
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