A natural or rather atsspheric phenomenon when the air is filled with an aerosol of tiny water droplets when you can get close to the state in which an aquarium fish lives which does not know what will happen behind the glass walls of its aquarium is called fog.
For such a time there are even danger codes that motorists and pedestrians are warned about because at this unusual or unusual time you need to be extremely careful.
Yes, you never know what or who will appear from behind the fog in the next second and moving in the fog can be compared to something extreme.
In such a situation it is difficult to say who is to blame the tree the fog, or the driver who was in too much of a hurry and did not take this natural phenomenon too seriously he was too self-confident apparently he had driven along this road hundreds of times and nothing bad had ever happened to him.
Self-confidence relaxes but it is insidious.
I remember one day when I myself found myself in a zone of heavy fog.
The fog was so strong that I had to stop my car get out of it and study the further route on foot return and try to safely drive the car along the side of the road which was also almost invisible.
I remember that I hated these frequent stops and walks along the foggy road at that moment.
It was boring and tiring and I spent several hours on a walk that I could have done in ten minutes.
But the thing is that in such moments it is difficult to weigh on one side of the scale the discomfort and the time spent and on the other side of the scale put the final result which is also hidden behind the fog as is the understanding of the time and effort spent on all this, until you reach the finish line.
Probably due to the fact that some revelations from God do not have clear boundaries of time and space in some ways they are similar to the fog behind which little is visible we often try to rush God complain about him and can even turn away from Him because sometimes we value our time more than communication with God and this is destructive for us.
Our life our soul is much more important to God than our time and He knows exactly what awaits us there, behind the fog.
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