One Awesome Weekend I want to Do Over Again

in blurt-169083 •  4 months ago 

My weekends were boring these days; my husband had to go to work because there were many basketball games to referee with so I had to be left at home to do things and tend my children.

I guess I have to do the same thing again this coming Sunday so I might as well take you to a fantastic weekend I had a few months ago.

It was in October and bounties were poured for us. Lanzones, rambutan, mangosteen, and other fruits have ripened and I always drool whenever I pass by on stores that sell expensive fruits. I mean it's not that expensive but I know some way to get it at a lower price.

Visiting the Farm

The day was lovely! the sun was bright and my husband and I, along with our son decided to visit the farm to see how it was going and also to feed my mother's dogs because she was going to church that day.

Vast sky is my thing: I love seeing it because it gives me feeling of freedom and calmness. I'm constantly enclosed in four corners of walls so I felt like being imprisoned everyday.

It was just a quick visit to the farm and we went home after a few minutes. The sun was hot but we did not feel much of it because of the wind that kissed our skin as we traveled along the road.

Taking care of Digger

We changed clothes as we arrived home and my husband went to bathe our dog first before leaving home again for our next destination. (Sadly Digger was gone too soon)

Dealing with my husband's boxers

We went to a friend's place where my husband's boxers waited for him to start their training. While waiting for teh boxers to get ready, Ate Mayang gave me these Lanzones, they bought them from the market and it taste very sweet. My son finished half of the fruit then we went with the boxers to start running to a hill.

My husband tasked the boxer kids to run to and fro on a hilly road which made them so sweaty and panting like crazy. These exercises can give them endurance so that when it's time for a boxing match, they won't have a hard time.

Here I stole some photos of the kids

My son got interested in what the bigger boys did and followed them downhill. I just cannot leave him alone so I went with I'm and we stopped by on a spilway and he took a peek at the water.

We had so much fun under the scorching sun but when it was time to go uphill, he gave up after just a few meters of walking and asked me to carry him all the way.

Marvelous Bounty

We all got hungry and thirsty because of the scorching sun but we didn't know where to eat lunch yet then my husband decided we pay a visit to his friend who was a caretaker of an orchard.

I don't have a single idea of where we were going and my son and I were asking questions but we did not receive answers then he took a turn going inside a gate. At first, it was nothing much on the place but when we walked further inside, treasures of bounty were waiting for us all.


Mangosteen was our first stop; the fruits that were at arm's reach had almost ran out so my husband climbed up to get the fruits and my son went to copy him.

Do you see him up in the tree?

He was so brave to climb that high and he knows just what to do and mind you, he was just 3 years old at that time.


Our next stop was rambutan. The fruits were so many that the trees were bent down almost to the ground and the scene looked oh-so heavenly.

We ate as much as we could before we took some for home. We were so full and we enjoyed every fruit that we had. My husband loved the sweet ones but I loved those that were a bit sour, The perfect blend of sweet and sour plays in my mouth.

Just before going home, my husband waited for his friend to bid goodbye and I saw these baskets and sacks of fruits that a merchant bought from teh orchard. They had a great harvest and chose the best ones to sell.

We brought fruit home for my mom and my husband's mom too, they were all delighted with the gift we gave them and we all enjoyed teh freshly picked fruit.

Today, there were no rambutans left on trees and I miss eating them already. Yet I had to wait for a year for their season. It might be too long to wait but I know it will always be worth it.

Sundays are the only day of the week where I can relax and all I think about on that day is food. lol. It's not gluttony but I just think it will be good to share good food with the whole family. Would you agree?

Anyway, I had to cut my post in here because I had to prepare to go home. I'm excited about doing the laundry tomorrow because I just bought a new washing machine belt to replace the old one since it was already worn out.

And on Monday, it will be my second bor's birthday; I'm still thinking of what food to prepare to celebrate her special day.

This will be all for now, see you all around.

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