ere is something special that I like: the opportunity to meet friends or acquaintances abroad without knowing that the other person is there.

in blurt-157431 •  7 months ago 


ere is something special that I like: the opportunity to meet friends or acquaintances abroad without knowing that the other person is there. I call them "Small Time Worlds". It's not very nice to walk into someone's house while you're on vacation, but most of us have similar horror stories of unexpected interactions, on the other side of the world.


I've heard tales of co-workers crossing paths on remote tropical beaches as they frantically try to escape work. Or your distant relatives appear at the wrong time during your love journey. Or maybe even a "reasonable" meeting with an old friend during a national holiday. I think we all have stories of more-than-fictional aliens crossing paths that we can't believe actually happened. So what? What causes Earth's Small Time?
I have two good theories as to why these short-term events occur:


People end up having a certain idea and destination in mind because of circumstances, social media, and circles. The world tries to make fun of us when we are trying to relax.
Let's start with 1). It does not seem unreasonable to consider that people cross the road simply because their choice to go there is not only their own choice. Freedom argument aside, I feel from the tour based on advice, discussion and internet. Hell, I remember one year when 5 different colleagues went to Portugal on vacation (at different times). Since there is a list of popular vacation spots every year, isn't it crazy that people you know have the same idea as you? The second doctrine is simply a blind belief that the stars do indeed align in the worst possible ways. I love my friends and family! Why is it important?


I think, the problem is that we often leave to escape from home. Definitely won't follow. To forget duties, procedures and promises. The shocking truth that follows is one of those unexpected but unfortunate situations that we would all prefer to avoid. Of course, in the digital age where social media is a scroll down the back, it can be easy to know where people will be in our lives, well, literally at any given moment. But I can tell you that this does not guarantee protection from these terrible visions. For anyone who has ever seen Earth Moments, there are two ways to go:


Say a cheeky hello, chat (and maybe swap suggestions), and head in different directions. Shockingly you've seen it but to your surprise you keep a cool head. At least you have an interesting story to tell now.
Or, you succumb to the guilt and public humiliation that seems to accompany holding you back from hanging out with this person... and planning to spend time together. For those who choose option 1, I congratulate you. For those who found themselves in option 2, I am truly sorry. It's not what you expect, depending on who you're with, or even what they have in mind.


The hand holds a British passport in front of a globe showing a map of Australia
The truth is that there are many friends and relatives that I would be happy to see during the holidays. But unfortunately, it's unlikely that the people you want to be with are the ones you meet by chance. I know I wouldn't consider someone my best friend if I didn't know they were in the same place I was going at the same time!


If only fate would be good enough to have a journey that coincides with our best friends, right? I am very lucky for this to happen.
Reuniting with old friends abroad
Unfortunately, the example above can't meet the standards for Small World Time. These stories should be:


An unexpected encounter
Vacation with someone you wouldn't choose
Neither party knows that the other is planning to stay at this destination.
Cross the road when you cross the road - My Little World Time
It is 2017 and I am visiting Perth, Western Australia for the first time. Kaz and I decided to meet halfway instead of going to our home state for a vacation in sunny Washington. On a glorious November day, we chose to chill out at the Art Gallery of Western Australia. After getting a bit of a cultural feel before we checked in, we walked around the Northbridge area before checking into a hotel with Kaz's relatives.
As we crossed the street, I heard behind me,

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