in blurt-131902 •  17 days ago 

Hello beautiful people. In a world of uncertainty, the word of God is the surest shield for all to run to. The word is a healer, guard and a light to our path always. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Philippians 4:13


No matter what life throws at us, we can remain unshakable if we have hope in God and His Word. That is the foundation of our faith, and it gives us the strength to keep going even in difficult times. When we feed from God's word, it is necessary for us to believe and wear it like a cover. It's what you eat that you purge out in times of challenges and when pressured by the world. Speak the word faithfully!

We can't be promised that everything will be perfect, but if we stay positive, filled with joy and trust in Christ, we will see God's power at work. Regardless of where you fall, try and pick yourself up (His grace is sufficient), brace yourself and continue your journey. Don't be discouraged but stand up from that fall.

Pray often, work hard on getting better and never lose hope - you will be amazed! Lord, we trust in You and Your power to do great things in our lives. We cling to the hope that difficult times will pass, and that You will give us the strength to endure and persevere. Give us a heart filled with joy and may your grace never leave us.


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