Hello beautiful people. The way you see a thing definitely determines your responsive action so, look through a clearer lens.
Don't worry I'll get you one.
Look through this lenses;
Did you know life can sometimes be like propelling a catapult?
There is a saying about wild animals, they stoop low before they leap to conquer, to catch with their prey, they do this because it is the only way to gain momentum for life's needs, that pull back, that sling back is important, it creates enough drag that shoots them off than they would have had if they just used energy to get it.
As intentional success seekers, we're often times eager to launch forward, we want to get to that front at all cost to catch up with objectives, to make progress, to achieve our goals.
But before we can soar, we need to be pulled back; yes! like a catapult so that we can launch towards that goal with enough force that cannot be stopped.
Just like an arrow is drawn backwards before it's thrust forward, or a gun's trigger is pushed backwards before the bullet is fired forward, we often need to take a step back before we can move forward.
This can be a difficult concept to accept, especially when we're feeling impatient or frustrated. But the truth is, sometimes the backward motion is necessary. It's a chance for us to regroup, recharge, and refocus.
So, don't be discouraged if you feel like you're being pulled back right now. It is just a phase for you to gather enough energy for what is to come.
Instead, see it as an opportunity to gather your strength, to clarify your vision, and to prepare yourself for the forward motion that's to come.
Remember, the greatest launches often require the greatest pullbacks. So take a deep breath, trust the process, and know that you're being prepared for something amazing."
I couldn't agree any more. Sometimes pulling back is really important. One can be allowed to retreat for the meantime, it means him a better chance for a well planned attack. That's how most victories are achieved