in blurt-131902 •  3 months ago 

Hello beautiful people. This is not an advice, it is more of a suggestion because when you witness the brutality yourself you will sit down and advise yourself. These people are taking advantage of people everyday and on their part, they will not tolerate you even when you have genuine reasons, we are the reason they are like that, they see that we are too kind hearted, we are soft and that encourages them to do all those things.

As a country, there is a need for consistent rule and regulation review, monitoring of people who offer public services and fines need to be levied for offenders because these people will wake up one day and decide that they want t jack up the price of things.


Most people who offer services to the public can be brutal, rude, lousy and disrespectful. They are ready to fight rain insults and even get physical with their passengers or clients. Even when people try to calm them down, they get enraged the more. All pleas will fall on deaf ears. How can you show kindness to someone who is an ingrate, who is utterly rude and disrespectful? Do they deserve my kindness?

On the other hand, based on how you relate with people, do you deserve their kindness as well? We must learn that kindness comes in different forms, from words, to actions and to simpler things like facial expressions or gestures. This should be loud and clear enough, we cannot afford to leave these people to do whatever they want.

It is time to speak up, while being kind, we much also correct these behaviors because when we raise our voice, we will have to make sure we have a correction in the society. Some of them will test you to know if you will leave your money with them by telling you that they don't have what you need, but when you stand your ground, they will suddenly have it.

In genuine cases, you should remember to be selective with your kindness. Those genuine people will be happy and grateful.


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