in blurt-131902 •  last month 

….."No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations." - Genesis 17:5

Hello beautiful people. Abram found himself in a season of deep concern and anxiety. As he aged, he saw no sign of the child God had promised, a child who would be his heir and carry forward his legacy. Instead of an immediate miracle, God chose a different path: He changed Abram's name.

Abram might have wondered, "How does changing my name relate to my desire for a child?" Little did he know, God had a profound purpose behind this action. God was intentional with Abram, understanding that the name "Exalted Father" would soon be insufficient. The divine plan was for Abram to become the father of many nations, a role that required a new identity, a new name: Abraham.


Before Abraham could welcome Isaac, he needed to embrace this broader destiny. The transformation of his name was a pivotal step in God's grand design.

You might be trusting God for something specific in your life. If it seems like God is taking an unexpected route, perhaps even one that feels like a delay or a detour, rest assured. If He decides to change your name—or alter your circumstances—instead of granting your immediate request, understand that He is preparing you for a greater purpose. God is ushering you to the next level, setting the stage for the fulfillment of His promises in ways beyond your current understanding.

Trust in His timing and His methods, for they are always intentional and full of purpose.

This is not just to talk and then nothing happens after that, you are to take this seriously and make decisions based on what you have read.

You should consider the season we are in and begin to get ready for name change, you might need it because the current name you bear or title you wear may not be capable of sustaining the season you are entering and before you jump into a season, make sure you do the right thing by determining if the name can carry the season through.


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