in blurt-131902 •  3 months ago 

Hello beautiful people. On Tuesday 28th May, 2024, I watched with keen interest how transporters and passengers struggled earnestly for a balance of 50 naira, both of them ensuring they're not at loss.

The bus I boarded serviced a singular road and the motorist insisted on quadruple of the cost price of transportation. There have been many cases like this where there are so many out of selfish interest people Jack up the prices of things without any justification.

The first case happened when a passenger insisted with vigor and held the entire bus at stand still until the conductor gave him his change, stating that since they were extorting him, they didn't deserve his kindness or sympathy. He would no be able to leave 50 naira for them no matter what.


We had no even recovered from the incident when a second person decided to also alight since the prices were not fair. As they were arguing and trying to either persuade or cajole, the bus broke down. As one of the passenger was alighting, the door of the bus fell off. The conductor use the opportunity to insist that until the door is fixed, he will not be giving anybody change.

Soon, a tussle ensued, it took the intervention of passers-by and other passenger for us to quell the heated commotion. The matter was resolve however in not so much as an amicable manner but it was until the conductor settled all he owed that the bus was allowed to move.

There are many lessons in both scenarios, when we show kindness, it will save us stress, time as resources, and it will help us let go of entitlements.

As you step out today, learn to sow and show kindness to people so that those that will be be of service to you and to the society will also have something to be happy about.

Many times, we have left the balances of our transactions with people out of kindness, people have become merciless now, they see it as a medium to extort money because they know you will let it go if they claim not to have change. They will also resort to insults no minding the fact that you have been kind to them in the past or for your calmness or any other reasons.

They are not out for anybody but themselves alone. They will go the extra mile to get money out of you, you can't imagine how these guys will embarrass you or any one your know just because of money.

They will intentionally refuse to have change on them and rather than plead, they will take it as a right, they must have their way. While you are calm, they will run circles around you and rubbish you if you so much as give them even an inches, they will take a mile.

To avoid insults, you must be restrained in you effort to be kind it should be born out of genuine need not because you are a kind person.


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