Hello beautiful people. The law of seed time and harvest time have been in place since time immemorial and they will continue, irrespective of other conditions, if you sow you will definitely reap, that is the law and it is what you sow that you will definitely reap, what ever product you sow into the soil, it will germinate, in respective quantity and in the harvest, you will have a reaping of the same seed.
Now, when we take that understanding and apply it to every other area of life, we discover the truth about things generally and most especially about wealth, what you realize is that as you put in the time and the effort to achieve something, in return you get resources that will make your life easier and you can at the end outsource more part of your work or life to people who will do those things for you and that in return allows you have time for those things that matter.
The more time you have to sow, the more time you have to reap and the more the benefits as you go along.
Taking it to relationships, we must look at how we invest into the lives of people and this is a critical point because I have seen it happen to a lot of people who are great investors but at the end, they wish they never did it, at the end they wish they had only enriched themselves and left other people out of it.
Alot of people have become who they're not meant to be, simply because they extended a hand of kindness, love, peace, empathy, compassion, and those they reached out to never reciprocated or valued what they received, and this has made them to give up on sowing good seeds.
Good seeds are needed in the society and when we find people who are ready to sow, we must cherish them and protect them at all costs, they are the pillars of the society and in everything we do, we must find a way to hold on to them and never allow their goodwill be taken for granted.
Lots of time I've heard people say, "I don't wish to help people anymore".
That is very sad, maybe because of one or two bad experience they've had, but that does not mean there's no reward for sowing good seeds.
That shouldn't stop you from sowing. You must remember that the reward for sowing does not necessarily come from the person you extended it to, it will come from other people who are also willing to give and extend a hand of help in times of need.
When you sow in the soil, you cannot expect that it is exactly the same position you sowed that the seed will come out from. It can be elsewhere, it will be absorbed by the soil and at the end, it will come in multiple folds. You must keep in mind that there is always a harvest for every good seed you sow.
This is a lifetime law, it will always work, those who sow never lack harvest, as that is the law of the universe.
The thing with principles is that it always works out the way they were meant. Nice post