in blurt-131902 •  9 days ago 

Hello beautiful people. Every week thousands of people all around the world suffer from depression, and in the next decade to come this number will skyrocket, even with all the professionals who have dedicated their lives in studying and bringing reliefs to affected individuals (the numbers of victims will still rise).

Why is it so?
From my own personal analysis over the years (and as a survival from depression) most times they get the diagnosis wrong.

Just like a child running a fever and cancer drugs are give without running proper test on the child leading to further health challenges. Over the years I have realize that Africans possess the ability to call out a thing as it is and that includes depression.

Africans define it as a spirit, an entity who's main goal is to Steal and destroy, it beyond just a feeling, it is more than that, it is a spirit.


Depression is an evil spirit that gradually creeps into an individual life to derail them from peace and Joy. Some of the earliest signs of depression are;

  • Rejection
  • Doubt
  • Isolation
  • Anger
  • low self esteem

With time even health challenges surfaces.

Growing up I heard some neighbors of mine make fun of my arms and weigh with some even giving me the nickname "christian mother " or "fatty". when the name calling started I didn't really mind but growing up this words began to have effect in my life as I suffered from low self esteem and a lot of insecurities and then this spirit saw this situation and began to whisper "may be you are not good enough, may by you will never be good enough" and for years I did believe this (Thank God for deliverance).

Going through my old pictures and all I could say was woow (Omo I fine) and I wondered why I believed the nay sayers and this spirit over the years, so much time wasted.

Then I remembered what the bible said " life and death are in the power of the tongue".

Without countering what people said of me whether true or not it became the reality in my head, leading it to manifest in my life because I accepted it by not telling myself the truth (I didn't use my mouth to denounce the negativity they said about me).

This spirit whispers things that our creator has not said about us and we keep quiet and, in keeping quiet we unknowingly accept and invite that spirit to do further harm to us.

Words of affirmation works no matter how silly some may see it, it works, that is why you should always say something kind to yourself everyday, remind yourself who you where made to be.

I was wonderful and beautiful made by God

I can do all things true Christ who strengthens me.

I am a Joy of many Generations

I am like a tree planted in the rivers if waters
what ever my hands finds to do will prosper.

I can relate this experience very well,

Growing up people wanted to give me a lot of names, short man, smally and host of others but the Spirit in me couldn't accept those names.

I used to fight tooth and nail with both adults and my peers that my name is not what you're calling me.

My breakthrough came when I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and started reading my Bible, listening to people like Pastor Chris. Oyhakilome and Joel Osteen and I started receiving my internal healing and the rest they said is history.

I can confidently boast today that I'm fearfully and marvellously made, I know who am in Christ.


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