in blurt-131902 •  3 months ago 

Hello beautiful people. There's a story of a Native American elder who once described his inner struggle in this way: Inside me there are two wolves, one wolf is mean and evil while the other is good. The mean wolf fights the good wolf all the time.

When asked which wolf wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, "The one I feed the most." Now, you need to ask yourself, what do you feed daily...is it your fear or your faith? If you want to win in life, you must feed your faith more than your fear. We all have weaknesses and strengths, but it's the one we pay more attention to that grows.

The truth is, when you feed your fear, you become fearful. And when you feed your faith, you see everything from the standpoint of faith. You feed your faith by reading and listening to resource materials that can build you mentally and expose you to take giant steps in life. When you listen to bad and negative news of death, poverty, divorce, and bad relationships all the time, chances are you'll see life from that perspective and live in perpetual anxiety and worry. The sad part is, you may experience the same thing.

Remember what Job said, "What I feared has come upon me." This explains the law of attraction. We attract and repel things with our dominant thoughts.

Yes, marriages are breaking up, but there are many marriages that are also working. It all depends on which one you give your attention to. We all have doubts and fears, but it boils down to the one you feed the most.


There are some people you need to cut off right now. Those people, whenever you read their posts, listen to them, or stay with them, cause you to doubt God, doubt yourself, become negative, confused and gloomy. Cut them off.

Unfollow, unfriend and disconnect them, even if they are relatives, because they are not good for your mental and spiritual well-being.

There is no way you can be positive if all you do is listen to negative news. ❌

Feed what you want to see grow:

☑️ Faith
☑️ Success
☑️ Abundance
☑️ Peace
☑️ Love
☑️ Prosperity

There are so many things going on in the world. You can choose which ones to pay attention to, and which ones you want to see replicated in your life.

You will see more of what you feed and less of what you starve.

Remember , whatever you choose to "feed" through your thoughts, attention, and media consumption deeply impacts your mindset, outlook on life, and even the realities you experience.

Today, choose to feed your faith and starve your doubt, pessimism and lack.

Note: The analogy of the two wolves fighting within us is a profound way to illustrate the internal battle between positive and negative forces in our minds.


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