in blurt-131902 •  4 months ago 

Hello beautiful people. Let's talk about selfishness. This is one of the key ingredients to be considered and an avenue to help provide solutions in the areas where brothers need answers, especially when it comes to the business of choosing a life partner. There are some metrics we look at and one of them is selfishness.

Selfishly Choose Your Life Partner:

Before saying 'I do,' be selfish about who you want to share your life with. Pursue what truly makes you happy. Marriage is a team effort, but it starts with finding the right teammate.


Don't compromise on your core needs. If it's not good enough for you, it's not good enough. Your happiness matters. When it comes to certain decisions in life, it's okay to be very selfish upfront. Before you dive into things, think solely about best for you. Once you're in, that's when you can activate your selflessness.

A man is three things:

A leader
A provider
A protector

A provider in the sense that, the bulk of provision, financially and otherwise is his duty.

So you can't slack off at work or in life generally.
A leader in the sense that, the decisions of a man move the world forward, naturally and spiritually, a man is expected to lead and make decisions.
A protector in the sense that, you have to guard your family and make security-conscious decisions at all times.

You have to shield them physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Praying, advising, mentoring, coaching, and so on. Low self-esteem. This is the single most impeding factor that makes men less of who they are.

There are so many men with great potential but they are not achieving it because they don't see themselves as such. As a single, that's still the definition, it's not until you are married that you begin to do all these things.


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