in blurt-131902 •  4 months ago 

Hello beautiful people. Almost everybody uses social media nowadays in one way or another and a majority of people use a smart or almost smart phone. Irrespective of the type of phone or the age or gender of the person, some rules should govern our actions, or better put these rules should serve as an average guideline that will help us know how to relate with, how to condole, and how to communicate properly and efficiently.

Let's look at some basic social rules:


- Follow Your Career Dreams selfishly:

When it comes to your career path, be a little selfish Aim for the job and company that align with your dreams. Once you're in, you can bring in the teamwork spirit. But before that, it's about setting yourself up for success. Your career journey matters, and it's okay to be a bit choosy and selfish.
Almost everyone has connections that transcend time and space now, you can be having or carrying on a conversation with someone you haven't met and probably would never meet because with technology and innovations, the world is a global sitting room with everyone on the couch and you can instantly access almost all the information you need within a few seconds.

This should be unspoken but here it is, don't make a promise if you know you will break it afterward, you are creating an impression that you can take care of an expectation, you will make such a person anxious and then you let them down, there is no other way to say this, it is just plain bad.

- When making a call.

If you are in a private place, it is okay to have your phone on loudspeaker, but if you are amidst friends or in a crowded place, always receive your calls privately unless your caller wants to address those in the room, it is rude to allow the contents of your call to be bare for everyone to listen in.

Don't allow your phone to ring on and on when you know you don't want to pick up the call, silence your phone and have peace or place it on airplane mode.

Don't call a person continuously, after three attempts, it's okay to wait for a few minutes before trying again and that's only if it is an urgent matter, if they don't pick up after the second try, leave them a message and try again at the end of the day, if they still do not pick, it is either they do not want to speak with you or something is wrong with them, therefore, you need to escalate by calling someone else who is closer to them or raising an alarm.

- Keeping Secrets

No one should have to worry when they tell you a secret, you should know to take it to your grave. This also applies even if that person becomes your enemy the next day. If you throw people's secrets back in their faces after a fight, you are a terrible person, and people around will BD weary of you because you aren't truthful and you aren't trustworthy. No one will want to have anything to do with you and if they have a sensitive business that they know you can handle, they would rather forfeit it than come to you for help.

- When borrowing money.

Money issues can cause a rift between the closest of friends, if you borrow money from anyone, return it on or before the agreed-upon date. It is even better if you do so before they ask you for it. There are cases where an unfortunate reason might cause you not to be able to pay as and when due, it is wise to call or meet up with them and explain your situation and agree on new terms. Never ignore those you owe, they may forgive you but you are ripping off a bandaid that will help others in the future.


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