in blurt-131902 •  6 hours ago 

Hello beautiful people. There are many trends out there in the world now and so many people are ready to follow those trends but not many trend-setters, because it is a difficult thing to set a standard that other people want to follow.

It takes a certain grace to do that.

There are so many things a person wants to do and there are many standards that people want to set but setting a standard requires so much more than just wishes, it requires hardworking, dedication and commitment to doing what is required to achieve that level of greatness.


For example, if you know that fashionable dressing is not your forte, the best thing is to find a mentor – someone who has mastered the art of fashion – and copy their style. This doesn't mean you cannot come up with your own style but it means you have found someone who knows better than you do and you can easily get the information that you need from such a person.

See how they put things together, how they stand, how they move, how they walk, even how they speak. You do not need to reinvent the wheel and try to figure out how to start a new trend.

The same is true in the financial realm. When you want to excel in a certain area of business, find someone who has conquered money issues and reached a certain level of financial dominion.

Learn the best from the best, because quality is copied. You should aim to copy someone who has done the right things and made the right decisions and has succeeded in their craft and art.

The same is true in ministry. That is why the Apostle Paul could boldly say, 'I want you to pattern your lives after me, just as I pattern mine after Christ.'. He knew that he was carrying a certain grace that no one else had. He wanted to pass down this grace to those around him. He was mentored personally by the Lord Jesus Christ, and he had a certain way of presenting the Gospel, a certain style and manner of speaking. These would not easily come to everybody but by intentional mentorship.

Beloved, we don't have much time left before the the end of time takes place. Now more than ever, you must take advantage of the grace that has been made available. You do not have time to make all the mistakes, look for those who have done it all and copy what they are doing, apply it in your life and be committed to doing that consistently, and you will definately get the se results that they get.

The difference is, maybe it took them years to come to the solutions they are sharing with you, but it will take you few months to achieve the same. Your results will be faster and even better because you are not starting from scratch

You are combining so many years of research and development that has been handed over to you and with that, you have both a headstart and a better playing field.



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