I didn't play yesterday due to the electricity crisis we're facing in Nigeria and especially my part the south south so I powered my device in a neighbors house.
This morning I started playing cause I have missed my game and it's the reason I write everyday cause after every play I Intend to share updates.
The above is my first win and with a very cool guy called Ade, I've met people from various country and tribes in and out of Nigeria via Codm but this guy is something else.
After winning with Ade we decided to go again this time they added another to our team making us 3 it was fun but one of us the number didn't say anything till we won also, I don't focus on kills, for me it's all about survival and winning the final battle but to Ade it's all about the kills and winning.
Finally I played alone to ease my stress and guess what? I won also making it 3 plays and 3 wins this morning, Codm is becoming a part of blogging and life making it easier to relax and meditate 😌.
Just me against the world 😎 and guess what? I won the game today it's not all rosy but it's the rosy part I'll always show 😉, I love it that way.
The above is my statistics so for the just concluded game, I love how it's going gradually I'll hit the legendary.
This is my lobby as they call it and I'm in level 60 heading to 100 before the week runs out except they didn't allow me to charge my device I'll be posting video plays soon once I set up my blurt.media profile.
I hope to give you better update tonight