Finished 21 My Last Game Yesterday.

in blurt-131902 •  25 days ago 

Yesterday I played for a couple of hours and the last game I played appears to be the hardest cause I wasn't even at home, I was on the road and was feeling bored.


The players were faster with heavy weapons and I wasn't even in a place of relaxation 😭 they dealth with me, not giving me mercy at all yesterday and I didn't go in with a team, I went to Alcatraz on my own hoping to break my kill record and they ended up breaking me 😂😂😂.


I tried to want to play again but the network in my area was so bad I couldn't join the game again but then it's ok.

CODM is now a part of my life and I will be talking about my gaming experience daily to keep my blurt timeline busy and at the same time I'll be talking about other things too.

The game graphics is one of a kind and the fact that we can connect and discuss with each other makes it more easier I'm at the master 1 and still growing why some of my team members are grand masters with exclusive skins and weapons.

The game will give you peace and make you understand that fun can be defined in various ways, while playing we discussed about the future of gamers in Port Harcourt where I live and how we can hold a meet and greet to bring the circle together and do even more with gaming.

A gaming community that will be throwing a gaming carnival and other gaming activities.

I'll bring more update on everything later today, here's my gaming blog and believe me you'll enjoy this.

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