No Pain, No Gain 🙅‍♀️

in blurt-131902 •  last month 

If this 'saying' rings meaningful to your ears then know that you have understood that side of life. Bed of roses? Charlotte talked with her sister as they converse about what life looks like. 'No pain, No gain'.

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva:

Helen: There's no pain in the world, you are the one that choose to bring it to yourself.🤷‍♀️

Charlotte: Are you for real little kid? I am 15 and you're just 8 thinking like a toddler. Please sit back, open your ears let me tell you something real. 😏

Helen: I dont usually like your stories, they are boring and unreal but then, i will give you that chance as my elder. Am all ears.🤧

Charlotte: Thanks honey. Do you know how you were birthed?

Helen: uhmmm🤔 Momma pushed me out from her stomach with no pain and stress. That's why she smiles everyday knowing that process is not painful. And yes!!! She told me too. 😌

Charlotte: Told you what? Oh my God!... Maybe she is protecting you from learning bad quickly but it doesn't count my sweetie.😉 i just have to follow her moves not to corrupt you in any way but know that "No pain, No gain".🙅‍♀️

Helen: I doubt it but what are you trying to say? 🤒

Charlotte: Momma passed through pain carrying us in her womb and giving birth to us. That she went through that pain shows that she gained having us.😙

Helen: But momma said there's no pain. That life is going to be fun filled and with God on our sides.🤕

Charlotte: I love the way Momma protects us but sweetie, the truth will always guide your heart. You and i won't suffer if that's her fear. But baby 😐 we are humans and ones in a lifetime we face pain, probably to break us to a new form and make the stronger version of us.

The life we live has to do with pain and gain walking hand in hand. Nobody is meant to face pain forever, it goes away in a while and Joy comes thereof.
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