Hello Guys!
Like I said I'll be giving you update on my CODM update lately and just some hours ago or minutes I dropped an update where I was Master 1 well I got to my office and settled to play a little and I got to master 3.
You know I'm games the higher the rank the riskier it gets and more difficult plus I'll be playing with less bots and more humans like myself.
In COD they call newbies bot cause they have nothing to special and they have to fight to the top like myself at first I don't know anything about the game but I am now a master and heading to grandmaster soon
Well I got something from them and it's kind of like my favourite heavy fire weapon in the I call it the Revolver but then it's an RPD one of the best you could hold in the field to stay alive.
Like I said, I got 3 kills cause for me it's all about survival and helping my team win, my aim is to pick dog tags and heal except am the last man standing on the field to fight.
I like the fact that I move to the safe zone quickly to wait for them and make sure I always stay close to them either with a getaway vehicle or chopper.
I've been playing with some amazing persons lately and I'm glad for that cause with them I always win.
My Userid is: Oraclebeast.