I will follow the updates closely. It's slowly becoming the best frontend for Blurt.
From Linux I can add content but when I go to publish it gives me error, the same when I want to add a community.
I see that a lot of features have been added, among them the scheduling features.
First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for your kind words regarding BeBlurt 😊 As the TESTNET for the Blurt blockchain is almost ready, I'll soon have more time and I'll be able to work on the issue.
Don't worry, mine is not a criticism but rather a reflection because I would really like to use the frontend.
Graphically it is excellent and with the new features (communities, post programming, etc.) it is undoubtedly the most complete alternative within the Blurtian scene (it is said that way).
Congratulations again and good Sunday.
I agree I only got it working today one of the fixes must have just worked the screen was blank before. I’m impressed