Stress: Causes, Sources and Symptoms

in blurhealth •  3 years ago 

Stress is nothing to be ashamed of; in fact, it is beneficial in some situations as it motivates us to work harder and excel at our work. However, prolonged and uncontrolled stress can lead to a number of symptoms like irritability, anxiety, insomnia, lack of focus and concentration, and even chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.

According to health experts, stress is brought about by the anticipation of negative events, which causes physiological changes in the body. These changes cause the body to react to the stress by sending chemicals and signals throughout the body to prepare for protection or prepare for flight. In other words, stress causes the body to prepare itself to fight or flee. Some of the common signs of stress are anxiety, insomnia, lack of concentration, physical pain and discomfort, and even chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.


What are the common signs of stress? There are several symptoms that occur when stress is present, however not all stressors are the same. Some symptoms are caused by external stressors like traumatic events, while others are internal in nature. Let's go over some of these common signs of stress:

Stress hormones are released by the adrenal gland in response to stress. They enter the bloodstream where they circulate through the rest of the body. When blood pressure increases, the levels of stress hormone increase, too. In this situation, the heart has to pump harder to supply blood and oxygen to the body. As a result, sleep may be disrupted.

The immune system begins to weaken as well. Increased levels of stress hormones decrease the white blood cell count. These cells normally protect the body against infections. If there is an infection present, then more stress will be needed to counteract it.

Stress can cause the glands in the reproductive system to secrete additional hormones. These may be necessary for survival, but if the stress is prolonged, these hormones may lead to abnormalities in the body. It may increase the chance of miscarriage or birth defects. It can also lead to menopausal symptoms.

The level of sleep may decrease because stress alters the sleep cycle. Stress is linked to irregular sleep patterns. It can cause restless nights and sleeping problems. Other signs include eating problems and weight gain.

It's important to note that stress isn't the only contributing factor. Certain medications can be a sign of stress. For example, some antidepressants have been linked to insomnia. High levels of anxiety can also be a sign of stress, so is depression.

There are many ways to fight stress and the signs it causes. Changes in diet can help reduce some of the signs. Eating smaller meals, going for a walk, and getting plenty of sleep can go a long way toward helping. Relaxation techniques, such as meditation, may also help. Physical exercise has also been shown to have a calming effect.

Some people experience short-term spikes in their stress hormones and these spikes may be triggered by major life events. They may react strongly to breakups with someone they've been in love with or to the death of a loved one. Life experiences may also trigger intense stress in some people.

Stress can change over time. You can change your reaction to stress in a matter of minutes. If you believe you're under excessive amounts of stress, talk to a professional. This is a medical condition and a medical treatment may be needed.

Some people respond well to cognitive behavioral therapy or yoga. Others respond well to more drastic measures such as meditation and even hypnosis. Hypnosis eliminates negative thought patterns and relaxation techniques eliminate the physical signs of stress. If you suffer from a high level of stress hormones, speak to your doctor or psychiatrist today.

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