Staying without my mobile phone for a weekend.

in bluetpoem •  2 years ago 

Sitting in one corner of my room this weekend on the bare floor my head on my knees. I felt empty because a great part of me is gone, tears gush out of my eyes, and I couldn't get anything to do because my favourite device which is my mobile phone is not with me.

My phone fall deep inside the swimming pool, too bad I didn't get it out fast and it was spoiled beyond repair because water went into the phone and now I am left without my mobile phone for the weekend.

I felt angry at myself and asked how dumb I am to have taken my phone to the side of the swimming pool, and how I wish I can turn back the hands of time, I wouldn't have done that.

Because my phone got spoiled I was not able to chat with my boyfriend, do video calls and get to have some fun with him with the use of my mobile phone. What about the movies I planned in watching and the fun games of sub-way surfer I wanted to play with my mobile phone? All these sweet plans of mine were aborted and truth be said I was not happy.

But I didn't let the absence of my mobile phone weigh me down for a long time and I spend some quality time with myself this weekend, how did I go about it? I makes friends with my library and read some of the novels I bought some years back, for real it was fun reading all back and reading my college books and notebooks that I didn't have time to go through all this while because have been preoccupied doing one or two things with my phone. What else did I do? I went to visit a friend and she was surprised I came to her place because I am not the type that visits friends often but I have to because I was bored and we both had fun together by going out to a restaurant and having a nice meal together. It was a lovely weekend with her, and she wished I won't have a phone forever 😂so we can keep having nice moments together. That's funny, right? well, it is.

I was in despair and sad when my mobile phone fell inside the swimming pool at first this weekend and I didn't get to see one to have some fun with it, but I make the best moment out of the situation, I was happy and i had a lot of fun.

This is a story I create with my imagination this weekend😁 and I will like to hear your guy's thoughts on how you are going to spend your day if you happen not to have your mobile phone for a whole weekend.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

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