In this episode, I share my growing frustration with Matrix and my decision to switch back to IRC for mass communications. I discuss the issues I’ve experienced with Matrix, including server downtime, censorship, and protocol problems. I explain why I’m drawn to IRC’s reliability, stability, and ability to maintain anonymity and privacy. I also announce the launch of an IRC channel for LibertyBytes, where I’ll be sharing updates and engaging with listeners.
The LibertyBytes IRC channel port 6697 /join #LibertyBytes
It is also accessible over tor and i2p if you are inclined to go that route.
It runs Ergo for IRCv3 support with IP cloaking is enabled. Hostname lookup is also disabled. You will need to use SASL for the registration. It also has a built in bouncer so you wont miss the conversation if you’re not logged in. You can opt out of it if you wish. Instructions are on Interlopers site.
Donate to Interloper
Coming up next time
I’m going to cover these upcoming topics next, after I learn some more about them. They are exciting and interesting as hell to me.

nice hammer
That 1969 Cube was incredible. I'd swear you've sent it before but i could not find a reference to it. Also, nice to know that Uncle found his way back to IRC... Matrix IS a bit buggy.
it was blocked from youtube last time i checked but they let me post it now for some reason
"They" let yo post it...
I see 🥓
apparently it's owned by "latter day saints family"
1 votes
It was reliable before. Newer does not always mean better.
Over the past couple of weeks I've spent twice the amount of time on IRC than Matrix.
Also outside of the day job, I've spent more time on Tor and i2P than on the clearnet.
And it feels great.