Funny that you pay attention to finances but somehow not mainstream finances :P
The best paid and advertised theories are the mainstream ones. Their budget for just one of the nonsense they are working on, such as the hadron collider, is larger than the combined budget of all alternatives, and the amount of films and content that the internet is filled with about so-called "conventional scientific theories" is so huge that it would take a million channels like the thunderbolt project to match it.
Nevertheless, people like you still pick on the finances of alternative projects, which is ridiculous. (btw we still don't see effect of spending those bilions of usd on colider:P)
From what I've seen in the past, it's exactly the opposite of what you mentioned that actually happens, people genuinely trying to discuss with the Electric Universe supporters simply get dismissed.
yes, anyone can say that because they "got the impression". The problem is that mainstreamers like you "get that impression" because they are conducting the discussion from a position of strength.
In order to understand the basics of the concept of the electric universe, a mainstreamer must basically trample all of their dogmatic beliefs about the basics of cosmology and throw them in the trash so that they can even start talking and understanding something. The problem is that he cannot trample them because:
firstly, he is guided by "Social Proof of Rightness", i.e. not having the necessary competences to disprove the opponent's theory, he assumes in advance that the majority cannot be wrong and on this basis assumes that it is "they electric theorists" and not "us mainstreamers" who are ignorants and do not want to listen to the voice of reason.
secondly, he usually does not want to do it because he is terrified by the vision that what he knows may be a lie and he is the one on the deceitful side
thirdly, if he is a scientist, he is fundamentally afraid for the foundations of his existence because the entire system of financing and grants in the scientific world functions in such a way that changing the scientific paradigm means losing jobs, grants, authority and fame for the entire scientific community focused on the current paradigm. Just imagine that suddenly the Electric Theory is recognized as true and suddenly people have to be told that the trillions spent on the Hadron Collider and the search for dark matter are just wasted taxpayers' money because guys with a budget of 1/100,000,000 of that have proven in "garage laboratories" that it's all bullshit:P
that's exactly why you "get that impression". You just don't want to admit how wrong you are so you prefer to call others ignorant than yourself:P
it's the same story as talking to vaccination advocates. None of these conversations ever lead anywhere because when, after hours of proving to ourselves whether vaccinations can be harmful or all of them are necessary or whether research is right etc., we reach the point that basically the whole concept of vaccinations is a mistake of humanity and a person who wants to understand why so-called "anti-vaxxers" deny the sense of this procedure in general, must simply accept that the whole concept of vaccinations could be a mistake of sience and humanity, this is too much for this person and gives up, claiming that the conversation will lead nowhere because he simply cannot REJECT the basic dogma which is the belief that vaccinations are something "fundamentally good" only the way in which they are produced or performed may be "possibly" debatable:P
Exactly the same with conversations about cosmology where rejecting the belief that gravity and dark matter are the main force that holds the universe together is too bold a step for a follower of the gravitational theory because it is like denying the existence of his god :P