Recently I notice that Blurt has been flooded with Flat Earth Videos.
I had no idea the earth was flat …. Did you ?????
Is this a joke ?
According to my iPhone the earth looks like this.
It also looks like this from the plane. Like a giant sphere, or globe or planet.
What do you think ?
Flat Earth or round like a Sphere, Globe, Planet ?
Is the Earth similar to the shape of the Moon and Sun and other planets ?
A round sphere with gravity ?
If the Earth is Flat is it a square ? A cube ?
A disc with a bottom ?
I have so many questions.
This group moves from forum to forum.
If you make the mistake of interfacing with them; they will turn your online life into a living hell.
If anyone criticizes them; they will start whining about censorship.
They've been known to dox and harass critics. I think their goal is simply to destroy free speech platforms with spam.
You might notice that their videos are all old. They have been at this for a long time.
Personally, I think spam is one of the worst forms of censorship.
Yeah … it’s a flood of Spam on Blurt…. And getting lots of rewards from the Robots. And others
Some crazy people coming up with this flat earth theory. Guess people have really lost it.
Maybe they have never been in an Airplane ? Or to a beach on the Ocean to watch a Ship disappear on the Horizon. It even happens with Large tankers on Lake Superior and Huron.
The PPP (pancake planet psyop) was started at NASA when the web was making it clear They lie and fake a lot of things. They needed something to throw People off looking for why. So They conceived of the PPP and the Pentagon implemented it, with the help of YouToilet "recommending" Dubay.
No way it would have taken off organically.
Flat Earth Reasoning (article):
Its probably because of has now peerhub plugin and it's monetized by blurt ;]
I guess With 100% Free Speech comes a lot of nonsense. We need Community Notes.
well even flat earthers can sometimes contribute something sensible to the debate. For example some work on the topic of cosmological inconsistencies in what mainstream science claims and subsume it under their theory which is weak, but the very investigations of flat earthers e.g. can be useful for someone who e.g. studies the topic of the electric universe. For example flat earthers as one of the examples of their theories cite the grand canyon and inconsistencies in the so-called conventional theory of how it was created as evidence for their theories. And while subsuming what they say under the fact that the earth is flat is weak but e.g. their observations about the official narrative about how the grand canyon was created is wrong are very accurate and their investigations rightly bring to light many inconsistencies in connection with how the creation of the canyon is defined. That they classify it as a great flood or an act of God is another story, but they are right to note that it was not created as a result of millions of years of erosion, but by a catastrophic event.
And this is precisely the phenomenon of freedom of speech, that if people have freedom of thought and speech, then from among thousands of absurd theories emerges one that everyone eventually begins to confirm as truth. Hundreds of erroneous trends, in each of which there are people who have unconventional thinking different from other trends, lead to this unconventional thinking leading to unconventional research that, for example, another group of scientists, obsessed with their own ideas, would never consider.
On the other hand, if we have such scientific censorship as now, then only "conventional science" is available, which is treated as the only true truth and dogma, and "conspiracy theories. In simple terms, they are such a technocratic "God" and "Satan", Good / evil
Very true. Some of the most absurd theories shed light on things like dark matter or even more mystical concepts like God creating everything in 7 days.
It’s good to keep an open mind . I agree.
Even if there's still lots to figure out around the Grand Canyon history (actually more about pre-canyon history), one thing for sure is the catastrophic event "theory" has been debunked over and over and over. It's not even funny anymore. It comes from Young Earth 'scientists' and the flaws in their reasoning can easily be found with just a little scientific literacy. So a completely wrong idea led to another completely wrong idea. And because of their huge financial resources and propaganda, we still hear about it. Not sure how that helps scientific progress...
And what you are saying is proof that what I am saying is true. As a supporter of mainstream science, you are aware of what this mainstream science has imposed on you and you cannot think outside the box. So you reject other theories as unlikely when so-called "respected modern" scientists give you an explanation for something as the most probable version.
The problem is that these scientists are based on completely wrong foundations because they stopped questioning these foundations and started fantasizing in the realms of abstraction that they themselves no longer understand. That is why mainstream science bases its cosmological model on gravity, non-existent black holes and non-existent dark matter and energy that no one has discovered and will discover yet. And that is why they draw wrong conclusions about the Grand Canyon because they put everything on erosion, volcanic activity or ice age era.
The Electric Model of the Universe explains this much better and more sensibly and confirms that it was a cosmic catastrophic event, as suspected by "senior scientists" who still had a sufficiently open mind, untainted by the dogmas of modern science. It can also recreate this event in the laboratory.
It confirms the observations of flat-earthers, and even justifies why, for example, flat-earthers could find evidence in some mythical accounts that knowledge of this event was passed on in myths, and why, for example, ancient people could treat it as "divine intervention".
Flat-earthers are just like the so-called "mainstream scientists" people who think, only that just like scientists, they are people who fell victim to a dogmatic belief in something and are fanatical followers of some religion :P. Flat erhhers strongly believe in God, flood and that earth has 10 000 years. Mainstream scientists believe in their "gods" and their own "Bible". You simply do not see that 90% of modern science has the characteristics of religion and is laced with dogmatic statements such as:
In every stream there are followers of different theories and it is no different from how flat earthers behave, apart from the fact that the former are considered "respected scientists" and the latter are ridiculed, although in reality the former should be ridiculed just as often because sometimes they spout even worse nonsense :P.
Another example of a well financed theory, with very well produced videos or articles showing 'proofs', very appealing to anybody that doesn't dig into the details. Except they can always be debunked, not by what "mainstream science has imposed on you" but by simple observation.
From what I've seen in the past, it's exactly the opposite of what you mentioned that actually happens, people genuinely trying to discuss with the Electric Universe supporters simply get dismissed.
Funny that you pay attention to finances but somehow not mainstream finances :P
The best paid and advertised theories are the mainstream ones. Their budget for just one of the nonsense they are working on, such as the hadron collider, is larger than the combined budget of all alternatives, and the amount of films and content that the internet is filled with about so-called "conventional scientific theories" is so huge that it would take a million channels like the thunderbolt project to match it.
Nevertheless, people like you still pick on the finances of alternative projects, which is ridiculous. (btw we still don't see effect of spending those bilions of usd on colider:P)
yes, anyone can say that because they "got the impression". The problem is that mainstreamers like you "get that impression" because they are conducting the discussion from a position of strength.
In order to understand the basics of the concept of the electric universe, a mainstreamer must basically trample all of their dogmatic beliefs about the basics of cosmology and throw them in the trash so that they can even start talking and understanding something. The problem is that he cannot trample them because:
firstly, he is guided by "Social Proof of Rightness", i.e. not having the necessary competences to disprove the opponent's theory, he assumes in advance that the majority cannot be wrong and on this basis assumes that it is "they electric theorists" and not "us mainstreamers" who are ignorants and do not want to listen to the voice of reason.
secondly, he usually does not want to do it because he is terrified by the vision that what he knows may be a lie and he is the one on the deceitful side
thirdly, if he is a scientist, he is fundamentally afraid for the foundations of his existence because the entire system of financing and grants in the scientific world functions in such a way that changing the scientific paradigm means losing jobs, grants, authority and fame for the entire scientific community focused on the current paradigm. Just imagine that suddenly the Electric Theory is recognized as true and suddenly people have to be told that the trillions spent on the Hadron Collider and the search for dark matter are just wasted taxpayers' money because guys with a budget of 1/100,000,000 of that have proven in "garage laboratories" that it's all bullshit:P
that's exactly why you "get that impression". You just don't want to admit how wrong you are so you prefer to call others ignorant than yourself:P
it's the same story as talking to vaccination advocates. None of these conversations ever lead anywhere because when, after hours of proving to ourselves whether vaccinations can be harmful or all of them are necessary or whether research is right etc., we reach the point that basically the whole concept of vaccinations is a mistake of humanity and a person who wants to understand why so-called "anti-vaxxers" deny the sense of this procedure in general, must simply accept that the whole concept of vaccinations could be a mistake of sience and humanity, this is too much for this person and gives up, claiming that the conversation will lead nowhere because he simply cannot REJECT the basic dogma which is the belief that vaccinations are something "fundamentally good" only the way in which they are produced or performed may be "possibly" debatable:P
Exactly the same with conversations about cosmology where rejecting the belief that gravity and dark matter are the main force that holds the universe together is too bold a step for a follower of the gravitational theory because it is like denying the existence of his god :P
An this is the funiest thing you told because actually Electrical theory starts from observation. For example that its obvious that this coronal thing:
it's not a termonuclear explosion:
but plasma:
but hey stil claim that sun base on termonuclear reactions XD
I told myself so many times not to engage with people doing exactly what they're accusing others (usually called mainstream or government, or some unknown evil entity) of doing... But yet, when they make it kind of easy and make perfect arguments against themselves, it's difficult to resist. In just a few words, you just showed you had no idea about the theories you thought you were debunking. Nobody in their right mind (except maybe some of the Electric Universe proponents like you just above) ever said a Corona Mass Ejection (or thing...) was a thermonuclear reaction! It's quite well known that it's the ejection of plasma, or charged particles. But it comes from the sun's atmosphere, called corona (it's in the name!), not the core where the fusion occurs. Most of the matter in the sun is in the form of plasma, that's also well accepted (my guess here is that in spite of that beautiful photo, you don't know what plasma means). And the sun magnetic field is well documented, as we can measure it. And where do you think the energy comes from to sustain the plasma and extreme temperatures and pressures in the sun? Yep, another thing the electric universe "model" cannot explain, which makes sense, since it literally cannot explain or predict any of the observable phenomena.
So, it's been almost fun, but not really.
I think it’s great even tho I think it’s round if it brings more ppl then fab we will prob overlap on some other beliefs
This is My piece on the pancake planet psyop:
Flat Earth Reasoning (article):
Thanks… Good post.
I guess with 100% Free Speech comes a lot of nonsense. Not sure why Blurt is being flooded with this Flat Earth stuff.
Not sure why I have missed it... LOL! Thanks for Your payment of appreciation! I am enriched!
Maybe the Sun and moon and all the planets are just flat discs or plates in the sky, run on pulleys and wires for our entertainment.
Haven’t you watched the Truman show ?
Have you taken your boat to the edge of the earth ? There is a wall there. Painted blue.
There is a door there where you can go through and exit the show.
I did look at all the videos on that but I am pretty sure it’s round
Me too … this is especially obvious from an airplane and really tall building even. Not to mention the thousands of photos from the Space Station, Space Shuttle, Hubble, satellites, moon etc etc etc
How are you seeing these videos btw I can only see like 4 users on mine
I think this guy created his own TV network via Peer Hub …
@classx should have done the same for their classic Movies
I do believe in hollow earth tho
Do you think there are people living down there ? I think It would be really hot… given all the magma
Key points about the Earth's core heat:
Temperature range:
The core is believed to be between 4,500 and 5,500 degrees Celsius in the outer core, with the hottest point reaching around 6,000 degrees Celsius at the inner core boundary.
Heat source:
The majority of this heat comes from the decay of radioactive elements like uranium and thorium.
Apparently, some people really do think the earth is flat and that in being spherical is just some sort of conspiracy...for what purpose I am not sure. I thought it was a joke the first time I heard of this too. Sadly it is not.
Apparently some people have never been in an airplane … or to an Ocean Beach, or in a very tall building . I had no idea that such people existed.