Unemployment is the worst problem in any country.

in beingsocial •  2 years ago 


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From childhood I am seeing the unemployment problem around me. This is the most dangerous and big problem in our country. A student who is studying in college or university he knows that he is doing that to get a job in future. But at the end of the day people who have power in hand those people choosing who is going to get a job and who doesn’t. But among this situation some people are getting job with luck I will say. One day my friend told me that his family spends a lot of money to get a job for his brother but the man who took that money he used that money and his son get the job but the money giver didn’t. People are not trustable at all now. Anyone can cheat anyone for some money. Without money a poor people cannot bear his son’s tuition and school fees. Some people’s dream remains dream. On the other hand people who have power in hand, his son getting government job without any kind of money. Doesn’t matter that person is qualified or not.

For all of those reason people want to do business without wasting time behind all of those people. But the people who are thinking to do business they cannot think any kind of unique idea to grow in this time and without start unique business in this time being success is so tough. One should think more and more to start any business. People like unique things and if one starts any new business he can be succeed in life much easier than the person who start with the old business idea.

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Unemployment is becoming a normal thing and it's now obvious to 100% employment cannot be achievement in most part of the world. It's time for everyone to be creative in their approach