Los 7 Pecados Capitales (One Shot) [BigVERSO]

in beblurt •  9 months ago 


Los 7 pecados capitales

La familia Flores habia sido en otros tiempos toda una institución en aquellas tierras indómitas y salvajes del llano, respetados por todos en la región desde el pueblo del olvidado pueblo de el Olvido hasta el pueblo del Murmullo y un poco mas allá, miembros ilustres de la cofradía de pequeños y grandes hacendados de la zona, pero hace unos cuantos años luego de la muerte del viejo patriarca de la familia don Eugenio Flores, la influencia de familia Flores decayo, sin la guía de su líder descuidaron sus negocios principales, la siembra de maíz y la cría de ganado vacuno, se llenaron de deudas pidiendo prestamos a los banqueros que no pudieron pagar, para no perderlo todo por completo, tuvieron que vender la mayor parte de sus tierras prácticamente todo su ganado y fue entonces que la familia Flores paso de ser una familia prospera, honesta y respetada a convertirse en otra cosa.


Isolina Flores la mas pequeña del clan con tan solo 17 años, nunca conoció a su padre don Eugenio, pues este abandono este mundo cuando ella estaba todavía en el vientre de su madre, cuentan las viejas del pueblo que tanto se esforzó su madre en aquellos días de duelo con sus otros hijos pequeños, que la joven Isolina la nacer no heredo la fuerza de su madre, la niña nació sin ánimos, quizás la niña no nata dentro del vientre de su madre contuvo todo el esfuerzo de su progenitora, al nacer como todo bebe dormía mucho, pero cuando los años fueron pasando Isolina creció sin ganas, sin ánimos, la niña vivía quedándose dormida en todas partes y aunque era muy inteligente era tal su pereza para casi todas las actividades de la vida diaria que todavía no se habia logrado graduado del bachillerato.


Francisco Flores, el mas pequeño de los hijos varones de la familia, o como todos lo conocían y lo apodaron como Pancho "el gordo" Flores, con buen diente desde pequeño creció gordo y rozagante, ahora que tenía 20 parecía un elefante por su elevado peso corporal y tamaño, pasaba casi todo el día en la cocina de la casa grande de la hacienda familiar comiendo!!!, muchos en el pueblo afirmaban que su gula era tal que su madre para facilitarle la tarea y no caminara tanto lo mudo de su cuarto en el 2do piso a uno mucho mas pequeño en el primer piso casi al lado de la cocina, donde retozaba y dormía sobre una cama reforzada que su madre le mando hacer, cuando no estaba en la cocina su lugar favorito comiendo a todas horas!!!.


Catalina Flores, de 23 años, apodada "La morocha Flores" para diferenciarla de su mama que llevaba el mismo nombre, fue la primera hija hembra del matrimonio, una joven de una belleza indómita del llano, de piel blanca, pelo negro como el azabache hasta la cintura y unos ojos grandes y hermosos del color de la miel que bien podrían ser el sueño de mas de un buen hombre!!!, pero su mal talante, carácter y actitud, no daba muchas oportunidades, la lengua viperina de Catalina sumado a su reconcomio porque su familia perdió la fortuna la hizo crecer con el gusanillo de la envidia, si la muchacha se hubiera ocupado en ser feliz lo hubiera logrado fácilmente tenía todos los elementos para hacerlo, pero su deseo de tener lo que no era suyo la carcomía desde pequeña.


Cuando se entero que su antigua compañera de clases la bella Luisa Antonia Aguirre Márquez, la mujer mas bella del llano desaparecio de su hacienda y de la región perseguida por don Edgardo Sánchez Fierro, celebro a gritos que ella era ahora la mujer mas linda de la región!!!, pero la alegría le dudaría muy poco a la envidiosa de Catalina Flores cuando Luisa Antonia regreso meses después mas hermosa que siempre, si no siendo también ta mujer mas rica de la región y tal vez de todo el país!!!, convirtiéndose a su regreso prácticamente en la reina de los hacendados.


Juan Flores, de 23 años, apodado "el morocho Flores", hermano mellizo de Catalina, al igual que su hermana no pudo soportar el cambios de estatus y de nivel económico tras la muerte de su padre don Eugenio convirtiendo a los Flores de unos prósperos hacendados en gente pobre!!!, pero Juan no desarrollo la envidia como su hermana melliza, si no una Ira irrefrenable por todo su entorno, culpando a otros por lo que pudo ser y no fue, por su padre al morirse estando el tan joven, el único que lo entendía y consentía cuando era pequeño, ya de grande vivía peleándose con todos, tan solo su madre y su hermano mayor eran capaz de llamarlo a botón y ponerlo en cintura, aunque tan solo fuera por unos pocos días, de los hermanos Flores era sin duda el mas peligroso y pendenciero, hombre de cuidado, habil jinete, bueno peleando, experto con el machete o la pistola, quizás su ira y su juventud le impedían medir los peligros, no le tenía miedo a nada, ni a la muerte.


Pedro José Flores, la oveja mas negra de la familia Flores, con 27 años ya tenía mas hijos regados por aquellas tierras que su mama doña Catalina, era un hombre con una personalidad alegre, bien parecido y era un gran picaflor, esto le habían dado buena fama con las mujeres, pero como también Pedro José era un bandido, si le gustaba mucho una muchacha y esta no le hacia caso, no dudaba en robársela y perderse en el llano con ella unos días desatando su LUJURIA con la joven hasta saciar sus necesidades!!!, así paso en el cercano pueblo del Olvido hace casi 2 años, cuando ni si quiera intento enamorar por cartas de amor como se acostumbraba en ese extraño pueblo a la joven mas preciosa del pueblo, así que simplemente un buen día se la llevo, luego la regreso varios días después, sana y salva pero con un niño en su vientre dijeron las malas lenguas de las viejas chismosas del pueblo, la muchacha se caso a los pocos días con su novio un ingeniero que se la llevo lejos a vivir en la capital!!!. Desde entonces Pedro José Flores mas nunca asomo la cara por el pueblo del Olvido ya que los hermanos de la joven le juraron que lo matarían para lavar la honra de su hermana.


Alberto Flores, el primer hijo y heredero de don Eugenio y doña Catalina, al igual que sus hermanos pequeños las carencias de pequeño lo hicieron elegir un camino diferente al que quizás hubiera estado destinado si las cartas que le tocaron en la vida hubieran sido distintas, hombre bien parecido, alto, fuerte, el mas inteligente de la familia, mesurado dentro de lo que cabe gracias a su familia y el entorno en que creció, Alberto desarrollo el gen de la soberbia, creyéndose mejor no solo que el resto de sus hermanos a los que trataba con mano de hierro luego de la muerte de su padre y el asumir el rol de jefe de la casa, ahora con 29 años cada vez que se pasaba de tragos maldecía su mala suerte, y le decia al que quisiera escuchar, que sin las dificultades familiares y la falta de dinero, pudo haber salido del Murmullo e ir a la capital para estudiar, convertirse en un ingeniero o tal vez un gran doctor, Alberto siempre estuvo convencido que pudo ser un gran hombre!!!, pero la gran verdad es que nunca lucho por ello, prefirió la vida fácil y sin esfuerzo, el juego y el trago, pero el dinero para ello no lo conseguía precisamente trabajando como su padre.


Doña Catalina Flores, fue la segunda joven esposa de don Eugenio, llego a la hacienda familiar como una simple muchacha de servicio, se aprovecho de la precaria salud de la primera esposa de este doña Margarita que nunca pudo darle un hijo para seducir a don Eugenio con su belleza y astucia, su pecado sin duda siempre fue el de la avaricia!!!, dicen las malas lenguas de las viejas del Murmullo que ya compartía su cama mucho antes de que muriese doña Margarita, aunque no fue hasta que esta fue enterrada que se casaron y salió embarazada de su primer hijo Alberto. Catalina nació pobre y la buena vida que le proveía su marido que la lleno de regalos y de lujos no le fue suficiente, Catalina despilfarraba el dinero de su esposo a manos llenas, dándose los mejores gustos para ella y sus pequeños hijos, pero cuando la muerte sorprendió al laborioso hacendado no hubo quien se hiciera cargo, los niños estaban muy pequeños y ella jamas se preocupo en aprender como manejar una hacienda.


Unos años después, cuando las deudas que se los fueron comiendo poco a poco, cuando ya habian vendido casi la totalidad de las tierras y de las mas de 10 mil cabezas de reses que algún día pastaron en ellas tan solo quedaba un puñado, doña Catalina Flores, vio en sus tres hijos varones ya mas grandes y fuertes la oportunidad de hacerse de un buen dinero, se le ocurrió la buena idea de enviar a sus muchachos a robar unas reses o bultos de la cosecha en la haciendas vecinas, y para que no los reconiciesen les ordeno que cubrieran muy bien sus rostros, esta fue la forma en que la familia Flores logro subsistir, siempre ocultos detrás de una capucha, se convirtieron en bandidos, y hasta asesinos. Pero como nunca tanto doña Catalina como sus hijos aprendieron el valor del trabajo duro y a como obtener las cosas por esfuerzo propio, por mucho que asaltaran y robaran casi siempre estaban en el mismo lugar, rumiando como vacas por lo que un día fueron y nunca mas volverían a ser!!!.



*** *** *** VERSION ENGLISH *** *** ***


The 7 deadly sins

The Flores family had once been an institution in those untamed and wild lands of the plain, respected by everyone in the region from the people of the forgotten town of El Olvido to the town of Murmullo and a little beyond, illustrious members of the brotherhood of small and large landowners in the area, but a few years ago after the death of the old patriarch of the family Don Eugenio Flores, the influence of the Flores family declined, without the guidance of their leader they neglected their main businesses, the planting of corn and cattle raising, they were filled with debt asking for loans from bankers that they could not pay, in order not to lose everything completely, they had to sell most of their lands, practically all their livestock and it was then that the Flores family passed from being a prosperous, honest and respected family to becoming something else.


Isolina Flores, the youngest of the clan, at only 17 years old, never knew her father Don Eugenio, because he abandoned this world when she was still in her mother's womb, the old women of the town say that her mother worked so hard in those days. days of mourning with her other small children, that the young Isolina at birth did not inherit the strength of her mother, the girl was born without encouragement, perhaps the girl not born inside her mother's womb contained all the effort of her mother, at birth Like every baby, she slept a lot, but as the years went by, Isolina grew up without desire, without encouragement, the girl lived by falling asleep everywhere and although she was very intelligent, her laziness was such in almost all the activities of daily life that she still did not understand. He had graduated from high school.


Francisco Flores, the smallest of the male children of the family, or as everyone knew him and nicknamed him Pancho the fat Flores, with good teeth since he was little, he grew up fat and plump, now that he was 20 he looked like an elephant due to his high body weight. and size, he spent almost the entire day in the kitchen of the big house on the family farm eating!!! Many in the town affirmed that his gluttony was such that his mother, in order to make the task easier for him and not walk around so much, was silent in his room. on the 2nd floor to a much smaller one on the first floor almost next to the kitchen, where he played and slept on a reinforced bed that his mother had him make, when he was not in the kitchen his favorite place eating at all hours!!!.


Catalina Flores, 23 years old, nicknamed "The Flores Twin" to differentiate her from her mother who had the same name, was the first female child of the marriage, a young woman of untamed beauty from the plain, with white skin and jet-black hair. up to the waist and big, beautiful eyes the color of honey that could well be the dream of more than one good man!!!, but her bad mood, character and attitude did not give many opportunities, Catalina's viperine tongue added her resentment because her family lost their fortune made her grow with the bug of envy, if the girl had dedicated herself to being happy she would have achieved it easily, she had all the elements to do so, but her desire to have what was not hers It was eating away at me since I was little.


When he found out that his former classmate, the beautiful Luisa Antonia Aguirre Márquez, the most beautiful woman on the plain, disappeared from her hacienda and from the region persecuted by Don Edgardo Sánchez Fierro, he celebrated loudly that she was now the most beautiful woman in the region. region!!!, but the joy would hardly doubt the envious of Catalina Flores when Luisa Antonia returned months later more beautiful than ever, if not also being the richest woman in the region and perhaps in the entire country!!! , becoming practically the queen of the landowners upon her return.


Juan Flores, 23 years old, nicknamed "The Flores Twin", Catalina's twin brother, like his sister, could not bear the changes in status and economic level after the death of his father Don Eugenio, turning the Flores family into prosperous ones. landowners into poor people!!!, but Juan did not develop envy like his twin sister, but rather an uncontrollable Anger towards everyone around him, blaming others for what could have been and was not, for his father dying while he was so young. , the only one who understood and consented to him when he was little, when he grew up he lived fighting with everyone, only his mother and his older brother were able to call him on the button and put him in line, even if it was only for a few days, of the The Flores brothers were without a doubt the most dangerous and quarrelsome, a careful man, a skilled horseman, good at fighting, an expert with a machete or a gun. Perhaps his anger and his youth prevented him from measuring the dangers. He was not afraid of anything, not even anyone. death.


Pedro José Flores, the blackest sheep of the Flores family, at 27 years old he already had more children scattered around those lands than his mother Doña Catalina, he was a man with a happy personality, good looking and he was a great hummingbird, this was what they had given him He had a good reputation with women, but since Pedro José was also a bandit, if he really liked a girl and she didn't pay attention to him, he didn't hesitate to steal her and get lost in the plain with her for a few days, unleashing his LUST on the young woman until he satisfied his desires. needs!!!, that's what happened in the nearby town of Olvido almost 2 years ago, when I didn't even try to make the most beautiful young woman in town fall in love with love letters as was customary in that strange town, so one fine day it just happened. I took her, then returned her several days later, safe and sound but with a child in her womb, said the evil tongues of the old gossips of the town, the girl married a few days later with her boyfriend, an engineer who took her away to live in the capital!!! Since then, Pedro José Flores never showed his face in the town of Olvido since the young woman's brothers swore that they would kill him to wash the honor of his sister.


Alberto Flores, the first son and heir of Don Eugenio and Doña Catalina, like his little brothers, the shortcomings as a child made him choose a different path than the one that perhaps would have been destined for him if the cards he had been dealt in life had been different. Good-looking man, tall, strong, the most intelligent in the family, measured within what is possible thanks to his family and the environment in which he grew up, Alberto developed the gene of pride, believing himself to be better not only than the rest of his brothers. whom he treated with an iron fist after the death of his father and assuming the role of head of the house, now at 29 years old, every time he had too many drinks he cursed his bad luck, and told anyone who would listen, that without family difficulties and lack of money, he could have left Murmullo and gone to the capital to study, become an engineer or perhaps a great doctor, Alberto was always convinced that he could be a great man!!!, but The great truth is that he never fought for it, he preferred the easy and effortless life, gambling and drinking, but he couldn't get the money for it by working like his father.


Doña Catalina Flores, was the second young wife of Don Eugenio, she arrived at the family farm as a simple service girl, she took advantage of the precarious health of his first wife, Doña Margarita, who was never able to give him a son to seduce Don Eugenio. With her beauty and cunning, her sin was undoubtedly always that of greed!!!, say the evil tongues of the old women of Murmullo who already shared her bed long before Doña Margarita died, although it was not until she was buried They got married and became pregnant with their first child, Alberto. Catalina was born poor and the good life that her husband provided her, who filled her with gifts and luxuries, was not enough for her. Catalina squandered her husband's money freely, giving herself the best pleasures for herself and her little children, but when she Death surprised the hardworking landowner, there was no one to take charge, the children were very young and she never bothered to learn how to manage a livestock farm.


A few years later, when the debts that were eating them up little by little, when they had already sold almost all of the land and of the more than 10 thousand heads of cattle that once grazed on them, only a handful remained, Doña Catalina Flores, saw in his three older and stronger male children the opportunity to make good money, he came up with the good idea of ​​sending his boys to steal some cattle or bundles of harvest from neighboring farms, and so that Do not recognize them, I ordered them to cover their faces very well, this was the way in which the Flores family managed to survive, always hidden behind a hood, they became bandits, and even murderers. But since both Doña Catalina and her children never learned the value of hard work and how to obtain things through their own efforts, no matter how much they assaulted and stole, they were almost always in the same place, ruminating like vacations about what they once were and never again. . they would be again!!!



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