Reality of the world.

in article •  3 years ago 

Hi! everybody , I am sharing my own feelings about the world. because many thousands of people are in deception about it. Read and feel it please!
one day we were going on a special trip with our friends. the journey was full of difficulties and troubles. the journey was not enjoyable. in this way we were facing difficulties. somehow we reached a place where we were completely strangers and unfamiliar with the environment, could not feel anything. that is, nothing was familiar with the environment, we used to live there like a complete stranger and unknown. everything was stranger to us, we wandered here and there a lot, but nothing happened. suddenly a taxi driver came there with his car, we told the name of our dera from that and he, keeping the honor of humanity by telling the pure address, took it there in exchange for the fare. we were very pleased with his work, that we were wandering in this city, but with his help we were able to reach our address.
After reaching the dera, after some time we went out for a walk towards the garden, where we found a lot of birds chirping, whose chirping was echoing the garden. We were rejoicing at the sound of birds in that deserted environment. Apart from this, we have seen many animals there like lion, deer. We were very happy to be happy with this natural environment, and we forgot all the difficulties and troubles that we had to face on the way during the journey. It means that no matter how disturbed a man may be, the transcendent nature of Allah Rabbul 'Alamin provides for many things in which there are sufferings, troubles and the things of ease and joy. By seeing or receiving whom we cure our sufferings.
This knowledge is obtained from the above statement, which are as follows:-
1) In this world, God has placed two aspects inside everything; I cannot stay in power, sometimes I will be in trouble and sometimes I am in happiness.
3) Both difficulty and ease are an integral part of this world.
4) It has been the basic rule and principle of this natural law that sometimes a person has to deal with trouble and sometimes suffering.
With all these good feelings, we request all the readers, that we should never get hopeless and hopeless from our troubles, difficulties and sorrows in our life.

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