ÚRSULA [Esp/Ing]

in art •  10 months ago 

La pintura de la cual les hablaré hoy es una de de las 4 que tengo realizadas inspiradas en las villanas de disney. Decidí crear algo inspirado en Úrsula ya que éstas 4 fueron selecionadas al azar, no recuerdo haber visto muchas veces en mi infancia la pelicula de la sirenita pero si recuerdo a está villana con claridad leí un poco sobre ella y sé que era la famosa bruja del mar una de las más oscuras y su toque satiro de sarcasmo e ironia siempre la caracterizan. Su personaje era una Cecaelia un ser mitad humano mitad pulpo y que se converitiria en una de las grandes villanas de las peliculas de disney. Cruel y despiadada que apesar de ser hermana del rey poseidon habia sido desterrada de atlantica por hacer tratos fraudulentos con las criaturas del mar.Trate de pintarla más a mi estilo pero con esa sonrisa retorcida enmarcada por su labial rojo, su blanca cabellera, las sombras azules en sus ojos y ese vestido negro que dieron vida a este personaje. Gente bonita les deseo una agradable noche y gracias por su apoyo.


The painting that I will talk about today is one of the 4 that I have made inspired by the Disney villains. I decided to create something inspired by Úrsula since these 4 were randomly selected, I don't remember having seen the little mermaid movie many times in my childhood but if I remember this villain clearly I read a little about her and I know she was the famous witch of the sea ​​one of the darkest and her satirical touch of sarcasm and irony always characterize her. Her character was a Cecaelia, a half human half octopus who became one of the great villains of Disney movies. Cruel and ruthless, despite being the sister of King Poseidon, she had been banished from the Atlantic for making fraudulent deals with sea creatures. I tried to paint her more in my style but with that twisted smile framed by her red lipstick, her white hair, the shadows. Blue in her eyes and that black dress that brought this character to life. Beautiful people I wish you a pleasant night and thank you for your support.

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