in art •  last year 

El es "tiempo" y tiene 3 cabezas porque son sus etapas pasado, presente y futuro,
Pasado utiliza unas gafas de sol gigantes que representan la gran ventana que te abre analizar lo que ya quedo atrás y aprender de ello para mirar con otros lentes la vida en el presente o en el futuro, presente en cambio tiene un monoculo con su ojo extremadamente abierto hace incapie a lo alerta que debemos estar en el hoy sin efocarse mucho y en pasado o futuro, tambien tiene un ojo cerrado que nos muestra a todos aquellos que viven dormidos o que no quieren ver el ahora, Futuro tiene los ojos cerrados porque sabemos que es inscierto lo que puede pasar con en el. Su ropa son tiras de relojes los de pasado son cuadradas como cuando decian que la tierra era plana ... los de presente triangulares debido a que el triángulo simboliza perfección, armonía y la sabiduría. los del futuro redondos que representan eternidad. y tiene una polilla roja en el cuello con forma de moño haciendo alusion al regalo mas grande la vida que tenemos que es el tiempo y a la metamorfosis que ocurre con el. Posa una aurora blanca con cuernos que significa que en tu presente eliges que camino tomar para vivir tu tiempo.
Un dato curioso sobre esta pintura es que hoy tiene referencias de algo que jamas imagine que llegaría a mi vida. ya que en mi presente las cosas cambiaron aprendí del pasado. vivo el presente al máximo y el futuro no me quita el sueño. Espero les guste ésta creación gente bonita que tengan una excelente noche gracias por leerme y recuerden valoren el tiempo y a quien se lo dan! Es algo único e invaluable y que no vamos a poder recuperar.


He is "time" and has 3 heads because they are his past, present and future stages, Past uses giant sunglasses that represent the great window that opens for you to analyze what is already behind and learn from it to look at life in the present or in the future through other lenses, present instead has a monocle with its extremely It emphasizes how alert we must be in the open today without focusing too much and on the past or future, it also has a closed eye that shows us all those who live asleep or who do not want to see the now, Future has its eyes closed because we know that it is uncertain what can happen with him. His clothes are watch straps, those from the past are square like when they said the earth was flat... those from the present are triangular because the triangle symbolizes perfection, harmony and wisdom. those of the future round that represent eternity. and it has a red moth on its neck in the shape of a bow, alluding to the greatest gift of life that we have, which is time and the metamorphosis that occurs with it. It poses a white aurora with horns that means that in your present you choose which path to take to live your time. A curious fact about this painting is that today it has references to something that I never imagined would come into my life. since in my present things changed by learning from the past. I live the present to the fullest and the future does not take away my sleep. I hope you like this creation, beautiful people, have an excellent night, thanks for reading and remember to value your time and to whom you give it! It is something unique and invaluable and that we will not be able to recover.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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