[#9] "Perfectly Imperfect"😸😻🐱

in animal •  10 months ago 

Hello Blurt Fam!!!
This is my cousin's beautiful pet cat, Emeng. It was actually my first time to see an odd-eyed cat, so I took a photo of it. Each time I run into this lovely remembrance, I cannot help but think of the fact that we are indeed wonderfully made. In fact, each of us is endowed with unique features making us perfectly imperfect. Yes, we may never be literally flawless and faultless (and no one is), but the Creator has done a perfect and marvelous design of our eyes, complexion, hair color, stature, of every cell in our body. Amazing it is.

Hence, if you ever feel bad about yourself or slowly losing self-esteem because you are judged by others by your appearance, just look at this cat, Emeng, oozing with confidence. She may have odd eyes but she carries herself graciously, turning that oddity into a gift so rarely given... and she is happy. Like Emeng, may we also be able to see the bigger picture in everything, that we may also learn to accept all of who we are from the outside to the inside. For when we fully accept ourselves, it will also be easier for us to appreciate our fellow human beings, the animals and most of all, our beautiful planet. Most importantly, acceptance of their beauty and value can inspire us to find ways to protect and take good care of them, too.


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