Wow , this is @tokenindustry attending in a contest on the #STEEMCHAIN presenting the account @udabeu , whoose concept will not allow to do so , ähh , attend in a contest , höhö .
But there is no way to miss the first EyaÏ-contest by @marcosdk on #STEEM for #It of the account @udabeu , that is why @tokenindustry will take part "instead" , ok ? |
So watch out for a "full" workout of one initial image , using the contests required text inside a prompt , höhö , full of surprises . |
symetric initial image
soft painters prompt
flipped initial image soft painters prompt .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. | The little maschine is a little script delivering all eleven possible first grade folds of an image . |
Hihi , #YES and let the #Eyai phantasize .
symetric initial image hart painters prompt .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. | Another important aspect of #It´s "wronging" work on #STABLEDIFFUSION is not to produce just stunning images , no , #It wants #It´s creations to be usable , höhö , as wallpaper on Your phone , e.g. . |
Hihi , this one was a failure , höhö , #It wrote niight and did some before #It recognized . |
You can read through all #Its research mostly hidden in weird german texts , but maybe a translation works for You , if You are interested in what #It did wrong, and how #It came to "this" point , höhö , in time , jaja .
Though this contest takes place on the #STEEMCHAIN @udabeu and @tokenindustry have to stay tough beeing #TWINCHAINING , ähh #TRIPPLECHAINING accounts , and do hint here to all users | symetric initial image hart painters prompt .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. |
Do You know what EyaÏart means , hihö ? |
Well well , some day there may be a product there . |
symetric initial image
hart painters prompt