What Is Your Outdoor Activities?

in adventure •  2 years ago 

How do you spend your weekend? Weekend for me means I don't need to stay inside. Whether the weather is nice or unfavorable, I have plenty of outdoor activities to choose. I hike often ,but sometimes I also enjoy being relax with the nature, no sweat, just stone balancing or observing tiny insect around or simply enjoying a drink in a very peaceful place.


When I took close-up photograph of a dragonfly 😍

On one weekend, a friend of mine was so eager to go out for she couldn't stay any longer inside in a four walls, I think she was task-feed up that week. How could I refused when I was also bound to do same things and same thirst! We headed to Pulangbato falls that early morning and stayed there until afternoon.


Pulangbato waterfalls

Expect this place to be in full packed on weekend, but it can cater a lot of people because of its wide area. You can't expect me to sit still, so I am inspecting whatever insect can be seen, like butterflies, dragonflies, rock climbed and also fungi. But after a while, I wanted to sweat a little bit so convinced my friend to came along for a short hiked, sort of exploring the outside area of the resort also. I'll be sharing to you our weekend activities...


The famed Pulangbato
I asked my friend to take photo of me standing at the water edge but she was so cautious, so instead of I should have climbed, I just stayed the lower part. It's still magnificent captured though, thanks to her.


Rock climbed
Nothing so interesting about it for it was not that high but I like doing things rarely done by others, I mean I never stop to challenge myself. Now let's hike, check the next photos...



We started our hiked at the far right of the resort by the little water/ stream going into the pool, and from there we hiked up and followed the stream. Stream wasn't that deep and we avoided to get our shoes soaked from the water by hopping, you know we are good at that.😂


I'd noticed the rocks were live and the water was so clear, we were both hoping to end up in a beautiful secret place like. So keep following the stream until it was so difficult because of the boulders.


We are not really boring; one, two three! Say cheese! 😂 She is not that person who easily get tired when it comes to hiking...not at least now, for she have improve her hiking capability.😅



The journey was getting more harder, as the boulders were getting enormous in size. I can't hop no more for I am not the elastic woman.lol


Ops! Got to noticed the beauty around you, beside you, or below you.😄 Look at that amazing green moss. How did they able to survive when at times the water flashflood would likely to destroy them.


This is not the end of the stream but we stopped here because the stream is no longer safe for us to follow, it was getting narrower.


After having rested, we hurried back to the resort to have our lunch, but when we were close to the resort I hiked up to another trail that's when I discovered the upper pulangbato falls. I hiked alone in that route, the reason I didn't have much time because I don't want my friend to worry about me. But I'm really hoping to have more adventure in that hill this coming days.
I'm afraid I would stop right here. If you like my post, please re-blog and stay tune for more adventures with me!

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