Picnic With My Cousins

in adventure •  2 years ago 

Beaches appear more bustling during summer on on special holiday occasion, but we know for sure only few like swimming on Halloween's day.




My cousins and I decided to sneaked out for picnic that afternoon. We cooked 'binignit' a traditional food made with glutinous rice cooked in coconut milk with various slices of bananas, sweet potatoes, ube, taro, as well as jackfruit and it is added with brown sugar to sweeten the taste.



We also cooked spicy 'bisayang manok' soup and we brought the food with us, our body burn a lot of calories after swimming and for sure we'll go hungry. Food makes picnic complete of course a good camaraderie.


There were families enjoying the water when we arrived. The water was so calming, there's just something relaxing about that cool breeze and the sound of the waves.



We also found favored from a beach resort, he allowed us to used a small table for we needed a table to place our food. And then what we need more is chair, we used this long drift wood and placed it next to the table that where we sit on.


We also enjoyed the beautiful sunset, though it was not a good place for sunset viewing but the clouds and a little sun rays reflection was just gorgeous too!



After a couple of swim, we ate our food and jump again to the refreshing water and do after care before leaving the place. It was a very nice afternoon and we had great time together. What do you like to do on Halloween aside from tricks or treats?😀
And that's all folks! Until next time blurtians!

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