My Actifit Report Card: May 29 2023

in actifit •  last year 

I hope everyone had a quiet Memorial Day.

We all hung around home and did some much needed clearing out of old clothes, etc to bring up to our local Humane Society thrift store.
Lulu was happy to run around the gravel pit and have lots of fun going up and down the hills after a few rabbits. My legs felt surprisingly good even though I didn't have the best sleep last night.

2 miles to get the day started.
It was nice to have a quiet day to do a little bit of weeding and cultivating around my little garden- my zucchini seedlings are doing well and the garlic znd herbs are very lush and I hope I get a nice bunch of garlic to ferment.

I was happy that my legs felt rather fresh in the early evening as it made my 4 mile loop very good. The 2 nice little hills went by easily and I almost felt like jogging a bit which makes he hopeful going forward.
Normally we'd go up to Flagstaff tomorrow but my wife's not feeling like going so it way be another day at home or maybe a few hours down in Stanton.

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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