My Actifit Report Card: December 26 2023

in actifit •  6 months ago  (edited)

Hi Everyone,

I hope all of you are having a great Christmas period. It's been a pleasant and peaceful couple of days for me. I spent some time with my family. Mostly in the lounge listening and watching Christmas music videos. We watched a few Christmas films on Netflix as well. Not much choice in terms of new films. We watched 'Christmas on Mistletoe Farm'. The pacing of this film was incredibly fast. It was like it was being played at 1.5x speed.

The best film we watched was 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'. Still great after 23 years. Funny film with a powerful message. We watched the newer Grinch film last year. I think the older one still has more character.

We had a minor Chiritmas drama. The oven wouldn't work. We had all this food prepared and it looked like we couldn't cook it all. Since we are vegan, we have slightly less dependency on a oven. Vegetables could be steamed. It was only the mock turkey and roast potatoes that needed the oven. The grill section of the oven worked fine. So we squeezed it in there. It needed much closer monitoring to ensure it didn't burn. Eventually, we managed to cook everything and it still turned out nice. Now, we have something to remember this Christmas by.


I managed to post plenty of content this week. I finished my global collapse series and I posted my Christmas Contest.

In my global collapse series, I discuss the disastrous path the world is on. The series focuses on the Covid-19 fiasco, Israel-Hamas war, and the rising tensions in western countries. The series looks at these events in the context of the population and economic predictions.


I intended the series to include 5 posts. However, the final post was too long so I divided into two parts (5A & 5B). In Part A, I discussed how the war in Israel might progress and the possible outcomes. I also considered the various conspiracies that are being spread. It seems many of them are completely off track this time. The post also explains why many 'conspiracy theorists' are opposed to Israel and Zionism.


In Part 5B, I discuss the islamification of Europe and how it is affecting indigenous culture. I discuss how mass migration is causing deep rifts in society and how wokeism fuels this further. The main focus of this post is the collapse of society. I outline how the world might collapse and the possible outcome of this collapse. I feel collapse is basically inevitable. I do not believe it has to collapse to a point where are unable to rebuild it. However, this might not be the case for much longer. The way to prevent this is by simply not destroying each other. This is not as easy as it sounds.


On a lighter note, I also posted my Christmas Contest. It is the same contest as the one I posted last year. Participants get to choose a present for themselves as well as presents for the participant who entered before them and the participant who entered after them. There are two aims in this contest. One is to receive the highest valued presents and the other is to give away the highest valued presents. Is it better to give or is it better to receive?

That wraps this Christmas Actifit Post. This is also my last Actifit Post for 2023. I wish everyone an amazing new year. See you all soon.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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