Welcome to my daily Actifit and personal statistics update. All information is taken directly from the Blockchain and Actifit database.
Actifit reward cycle results
This section provides the results from 07 May. The following tables and charts contain the Top 20 leader-board with highest Activity Count and the Activity Count distribution.
Actifit all-time results
In this section you will find the developments since the start of @Actifit. The following tables and charts are included:
- Actifit Users, provides the daily growth in new Actifit users.
- Actifit retention rate, shows the number of accounts who have posted at least one report over a 10-days period.
- Mobile Phone OS breakdown, contains the breakdown in the two type of phones supported: iOS and Android.
- Tracker Device breakdown, contains the breakdown in approach to captures the Activity Count: mobile phone sensors, Fitbit or HealthApp.
Since the start of the project, Actifit has provided rewards to members posting their reports. In the table below you’ll find the daily and overall granted rewards. The charts illustrate the number of rewards sent on a daily basis.
Personal results
Finally here is the overview of my personal performance since I started with Actifit. Results are obtained with a Fitbit Charge 3.
This concludes my daily update, until the next time and keep Actifitting! 😀
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
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