The return of a mild winter, but still a very pleasant walk - My Actifit Report Card: February 1, 2025

in actifit •  last month 

Powrót lekkiej zimy, ale mimo to spacer bardzo przyjemny

It wasn't as bad as the media predicted. Pretty decent weather. Maybe not too warm, but we still have winter, a mild winter.

Nie było tak tragicznie jak zapowiadali w mediach. Całkiem przyzwoita pogoda. Może niezbyt ciepło, ale dalej mamy zimę, łagodna zimę.

There were few walkers in the park, peace and quiet. The birds were fed. There weren't too many of them, but there was a proven team.

W parku mało spacerowiczów, spokój i cisza. Ptaszki nakarmione. Nie było ich zbyt wiele, ale za to sprawdzona ekipa.

And there is a complete lack of activity at the pond, as if the local inhabitants had died out. Until spring.

A nad stawem kompletny brak ruchu, jakby okoliczni mieszkańcy wymarli. Byle do wiosny.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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