Hello everyone! 👋 What a very fine morning I had yesterday for having this beautiful breakfast. 🥰 I am not usually a savoury breakfast eater but this one I just couldn't let it wait. It was actually a blessing, I got given it. 🤗 The joy of living next to my siblings. 😁 I just added more toasties/ croutons and made myself a cup of coffee. By the way, the oat milk's great with coffee as well. 😋
We had beautiful cottony clouds above our heads, too.
I couldn't believe I went to the supermarket twice yesterday because I forgot my purse! 😅 Oh well, I was scratching my head. I left my almost full trolly in a corner, gone back home, had lunch, conducted a class and went back to the supermarket. So happy my shopping trolly was still intact. It had moved to another corner but all that I put in it from the left part of the supermarket were still there. 😄 I just needed to get to the right part where meat, fresh and frozen stuffs are. Then, I can finally go to the counter and pay. 😁
Thank you very much for your time and support...till later! Have a wonderful week ahead, everyone! 🤗💯💫💢💥
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