Hey Actifitters,
After a fairly active week end in the sun, yesterday was lazier. But with the sun still shining, it was a good day to relax often in the yard. And for Kaia to chase tennis balls of course.
Until something disturbed her play time. What is it?
From a tree just behind the fence, this squirrel was taunting her, very loud actually.
Kaia realized she couldn't reach it without jumping the fence, and she knows it's not allowed. So she tried to forget about it.
But that was a really bold squirrel, he entered our side of the fence, clearly looking for something. Kaia couldn't just stay there and chased it again of course.
Now it was in a tree inside the back yard, still taunting Kaia. Crazy little squirrel! For more than 15 minutes, it kept yelling at Kaia, so weird.
Le Chat was observing all this with amusement, or maybe not, you never know with her!
And more wildlife showed up in the front yard to really piss off Kaia!
Anyways, our daily walk came later. Even with the extra daylight hour, we still started as the sun was already really low.
And the Moon already high! Just a couple more days before the eclipse by the way.
The sisters had a quick exploration session in the small forest.
And we were on our way to the bigger forest.
Same usual loops on the trails.
The sunset colors were really bright, so we checked out outside the forest for a bit.
And we finally cut one last time through the forest as it got really dark.
The sunset colors lingered for very long though, even after we made it back to the neighborhood streets.
In the end, it wasn't so lazy after all, even if I did miss the 20k steps mark. Let's try again on Tuesday.
As always, thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io