My Actifit Report Card: February 14 2024

in actifit •  5 months ago 

Hey Actifitters,

Yesterday was again very busy at work, I'm usually pretty good at doing the bare minimum, but the past few days, I just couldn't avoid working crazy hours. Le Chat showed me exactly how not do that. She was very smart, sitting in the warmth of the sun through the windows.

In the afternoon, the sun was out. One of these great sunny winter days with cold temperature.

So in spite of the lack of time, Kaia and I relaxed in the yard, to enjoy it. I used the time to write my Actifit report while drinking espressos, while Kaia explored the yard even though she knows every inch of it.

And later, we needed a longer break, so we started our long walk of the day. First in the small forest behind the front yard.

It was too late to catch better views of the sunset, but the colors in the sky were beautiful!

Even when we arrived in the forest, the final moments of daylight were perfect.

After all my teaching, Kaia now understands she can climb on all the obstacles.

We all wanted a good break in the day, so we walked all the way to the teepees.

Then we found ourselves in the middle of nowhere, away from all the trails.

But Kaia brought us back on the trail easily. Of course, we weren't actually lost, I still knew where we were, but I wanted to test her abilities to find our way back.

As it's now a habit, we followed the edge of the forest to catch Cubiverse vaults and more views of the final sunset colors.

It was almost completely dark after that, but we made one more loop back in the forest.

When we finally made it back home, it was fully dark, and the Moon was shining bright.

The day ended with more work again. That's 3 days in a row going to bed around 6am. I really need to finish this project asap and go back to being lazy! One thing for sure, we will never sacrifice our long walk of the day, it's sacred!
As always, thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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